Paul Romer explains what went wrong with economics Economists cannot simply dismiss as “absurd” or “impossible” the possibility that our profession has imposed total costs that exceed total benefits. And no, building a model which shows that it is logically possible for economists to make a positive net contribution is not going to make questions about our actual effect go away. Why don’t we just stipulate that economists are now so clever at building...
Read More »Rejecting positivism — the case of statistics
Rejecting positivism — the case of statistics Rejecting positivism requires re-thinking the disciplines related to data analysis from the foundations. In this paper, we consider just one of the foundational concepts of statistics. The question we will explore is: What is the relationship between the numbers we use (the data) and external reality? The standard conception promoted in statistics is that numbers are FACTS. These are objective measures of...
Read More »We need a ‘Fridays for Keynesianism’ movement!
Basically, the classical model is a model for a corn economy: households decide whether to consume the corn or to save it. If it is saved it can be supplied to investors who sow the grains, repaying to the households one period later the credit amount plus interest. In the Keynesian model the ‘funds’ exchanged on the capital market are made up of money—‘funds’ are bank deposits. Funds are not created here by a renunciation of consumption but by the banks granting credit … In...
Read More »‘Non è così che puoi comprarmi’
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Read More »What is truth in economics?
What is truth in economics? In my view, scientific theories are not to be considered ‘true’ or ‘false.’ In constructing such a theory, we are not trying to get at the truth, or even to approximate to it: rather, we are trying to organize our thoughts and observations in a useful manner. Robert Aumann What a handy view of science … How reassuring for all of you who have always thought that believing in the tooth fairy make you understand what happens to...
Read More »Dune mosse
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Read More »Born to run
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Read More »Gretl — econometrics made easy
Gretl — econometrics made easy [embedded content] Thanks to Allin Cottrell and Riccardo Lucchetti we today have access to a high-quality tool for doing and teaching econometrics — Gretl. And, best of all, it is totally free! Gretl is up to the tasks you may have, so why spend money on expensive commercial programs? The latest snapshot version of Gretl can be downloaded here. [And yes, I do know there’s another fabulously good and free program — R. But R...
Read More »Critical realism
What properties do societies possess that might make them possible objects of knowledge for us? My strategy in developing an answer to this question will be effectively based on a pincer movement. But in deploying the pincer I shall concentrate first on the ontological question of the properties that societies possess, before shifting to the epistemological question of how these properties make them possible objects of knowledge for us. This is not an arbitrary order of...
Read More »A primer on causal inference
A primer on causal inference [embedded content] D H Kim’s twelve videos give a splendid introduction to modern thinking on causality. Highly recommendable student stuff!
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