Sunday , March 9 2025
Home / Lars P. Syll (page 290)
Lars Pålsson Syll
Professor at Malmö University. Primary research interest - the philosophy, history and methodology of economics.

Lars P. Syll

Warren Mosler und die Modern Monetary Theory

Warren Mosler und die Modern Monetary Theory ZEIT ONLINE: Eine Regierung kann also Geld ausgeben, so lange es keine Inflation gibt? Mosler: So ungefähr. Etwas technischer formuliert: So lange in der Volkswirtschaft freie Kapazitäten vorhanden sind, es also zum Beispiel Menschen gibt, die eine Arbeit suchen und in der Privatwirtschaft nicht fündig werden. ZEIT ONLINE: Gibt es die in Europa? Mosler: Mit Sicherheit. Schauen Sie sich doch die...

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Sonnenschein-Mantel-Debreu at fifty

SMD theory means that assumptions guaranteeing good behavior at the microeconomic level do not carry over to the aggregate level or to qualitative features of the equilibrium. It has been difficult to make progress on the elaborations of general equilibrium theory that were put forth in Arrow and Hahn 1971 … Fifteen years after General Competitive Analysis, Arrow (1986) stated that the hypothesis of rationality had few implications at the aggregate level. Kirman (1989) held...

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Cose della vita (personal)

Cose della vita (personal)  [embedded content] Yours truly lived in Florence back in 1987, trying to improve my Italian. Although I, unfortunately,​ haven’t had much time to keep up my use of that ‘bella lingua’ — reading Sraffa, Pasinetti and Garegnani in original don’t​ quite count — songs like this brings back sweet memories from a spectacularly​ beautiful town full of history and adventures. Sto pensando ancora a te …

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Teaching heterodox microeconomics

Clearly, neoclassical economists believe that neoclassical microeconomic theory is theoretically coherent and provides the best explanation of economic activity; therefore there is no good reason to not teach it, if not exclusively. Many heterodox economists also broadly agree with this position, although not with all the particulars. However, sufficient evidence exists showing that as a whole neoclassical microeconomic theory is theoretically incoherent and without empirical...

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Nach dem Auftauchen des Ibiza-Videos von Vizekanzler und FPÖ-Chef Heinz-Christian Strache hat Bundeskanzler Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP) mit den Worten “genug ist genug” gekündigt vorgezogene Neuwahlen an. [embedded content]

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