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Lars Pålsson Syll
Professor at Malmö University. Primary research interest - the philosophy, history and methodology of economics.

Lars P. Syll

Regression analysis — a constructive critique

Regression analysis — a constructive critique As a descriptive exercise, all is well. One can compare the average salary of men and women, holding constant potential confounders. The result is a summary of how salaries differ on the average by gender, conditional on the values of one or more covariates. Why the salaries may on the average differ is not represented explicitly in the regression model … Moving to causal inference is an enormous step that needs...

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Re-examining economic laws

In mainstream economics, there is a lot of talk about ‘economic laws.’ The crux of these laws that allegedly do exist in economics, is that they only hold ceteris paribus. That fundamentally means that these laws only hold when the right conditions are at hand for giving rise to them. Unfortunately, from an empirical point of view, those conditions are only at hand in artificially closed nomological models purposely designed to give rise to the kind of regular associations...

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The mainstream-heterodoxy divide in Swedish economics

The mainstream-heterodoxy divide in Swedish economics In situations with a dominant style of thought and marginal heterodoxies, this creates an exclusionary mechanism that tends to favour the dominant style. I have shown how this is expressed in the analysed evaluation reports through the consensus on a disciplinary conception of quality that aligns with the disciplinary style of reasoning … Sometimes, reviewers are even explicit about work being outside of...

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Tony Lawson vs Uskali Mäki

Tony Lawson vs Uskali Mäki We are all realists and we all — Mäki, Cartwright, and I — self-consciously present ourselves as such. The most obvious research-guiding commonality, perhaps, is that we do all look at the ontological presuppositions of economics or economists. Where we part company, I believe, is that I want to go much further. I guess I would see their work as primarily analytical and my own as more critically constructive or dialectical. My...

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Reasons to dislike DSGE models

Reasons to dislike DSGE models First: They are based on unappealing assumptions. Not just simplifying assumptions, as any model must, but assumptions profoundly at odds with what we know about consumers and firms … Second: Their standard method of estimation, which is a mix of calibration and Bayesian estimation, is unconvincing … Third: While the models can formally be used for normative​ purposes, normative implications are not convincing … Fourth: DSGE...

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