Sunday , March 9 2025
Home / Lars P. Syll (page 347)
Lars Pålsson Syll
Professor at Malmö University. Primary research interest - the philosophy, history and methodology of economics.

Lars P. Syll

RCTs risk distorting our knowledge base

RCTs risk distorting our knowledge base The claimed hierarchy of methods, with randomized assignment being deemed inherently superior to observational studies, does not survive close scrutiny. Despite frequent claims to the contrary, an RCT does not equate counterfactual outcomes between treated and control units. The fact that systematic bias in estimating the mean impact vanishes in expectation (under ideal conditions) does not imply that the (unknown)...

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If life were only like this!

If life were only like this! When listening to — or reading — all the postmodern mumbo-jumbo​ that surrounds​ us today in social sciences and humanities, I often find myself wishing for that special Annie Hall moment of truth:  [embedded content] Advertisements

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Pedagogik — ett ämne i fritt fall mot avgrunden

Pedagogik — ett ämne i fritt fall mot avgrunden Ingenstans i den svenska akademin befinner sig en disciplin mer uppenbart på randen av en antiintellektuell avgrund än pedagogiken. I inget annat akademiskt ämne har postmodern sanningsrelativism och kvasi-vetenskaplig mumbo jumbo fått en sådan framskjuten position. Ett tydligt belägg för sakernas bedrövliga tillstånd inom svensk så kallad “pedagogisk forskning” kan man få genom att till exempel läsa artikeln...

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Why Hyman Minsky matters

Why Hyman Minsky matters Listen to BBC 4 where Duncan Weldon tries to explain in what way Hyman Minsky’s thoughts on banking and finance offer a radical challenge to mainstream economic theory. As a young research stipendiate in the U.S. yours truly had the great pleasure and privilege​ of having Hyman Minsky as a ​teacher. He was a great inspiration at the time. He still is. Advertisements

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