Using economics as a propaganda device The most serious deficiency of implicit formal theories is that the verbal language disguises the abstractness of the theory … The consequence of the fallacy of misplaced concreteness is that the theory looks too convincing to its proponents … He becomes the prisoner of his own logical model and is rendered incapable of seeing reality from any other standpoint … The most widespread example is provided by the...
Read More »The psychopathy of Ayn Rand
The psychopathy of Ayn Rand Now, I don’t care to discuss the alleged complaints American Indians have against this country. I believe, with good reason, the most unsympathetic Hollywood portrayal of Indians and what they did to the white man. They had no right to a country merely because they were born here and then acted like savages. The white man did not conquer this country … Since the Indians did not have the concept of property or property rights—they...
Read More »The force from above
The force from above [embedded content] Advertisements
Read More »Interview mit Esther Duflo
Interview mit Esther Duflo ZEITmagazin: Ich könnte Ihnen von ähnlichen Absurditäten aus dem deutschen Bildungswesen erzählen. Duflo: Und bestimmt nicht nur aus den Schulen. Darum haben wir unsere Methode aus den Entwicklungsländern nach Europa und in die USA exportiert. Viele Länder der EU zum Beispiel bezahlen jungen Arbeitslosen ein Training für Bewerbungsgespräche. Wir haben randomisierte Experimente gemacht: Die Arbeitslosen mit Training finden...
Read More »Regression analysis — a case of wishful thinking
Regression analysis — a case of wishful thinking The impossibility of proper specification is true generally in regression analyses across the social sciences, whether we are looking at the factors affecting occupational status, voting behavior, etc. The problem is that as implied by the conditions for regression analyses to yield accurate, unbiased estimates, you need to investigate a phenomenon that has underlying mathematical regularities – and,...
Read More »In need of medication
In need of medication [embedded content] In Trump-era US, reality sure beats fiction in the worst way possible, day after day. Advertisements
Read More »The main reason why almost all econometric models are wrong
The main reason why almost all econometric models are wrong How come that econometrics and statistical regression analyses still have not taken us very far in discovering, understanding, or explaining causation in socio-economic contexts? That is the question yours truly has tried to answer in an article published in the latest issue of World Economic Association Commentaries: The processes that generate socio-economic data in the real world cannot just be...
Read More »Allt — och lite till — du vill veta om kausalitet
Allt — och lite till — du vill veta om kausalitet Rolf Sandahls och Gustav Jakob Peterssons Kausalitet: i filosofi, politik och utvärdering är en synnerligen välskriven och läsvärd genomgång av de mest inflytelserika teorierna om kausalitet som används inom vetenskapen idag. Tag och läs! I den positivistiska (hypotetisk-deduktiva, deduktiv-nomologiska) förklaringsmodellen avser man med förklaring en underordning eller härledning av specifika fenomen ur...
Read More »When I’m 104
[h/t Jeanette Meyer] Advertisements
Read More »When I’m 64
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