Den svenska skolans dödgrävare Sedan länge är det känt och påtalat att många av de utbildningar som bedrivs vid landets högskolor och universitet idag har en mager kost att leva på. Resultatet blir därefter – få lärarledda föreläsningar i rekordstora studentgrupper. Till detta kommer explosionen av nya studentgrupper som går vidare till universitetsstudier. Detta är på ett sätt klart glädjande. Idag har vi lika många doktorander i vårt utbildningssystem som...
Read More »Krugman’s modelling flimflam
Paul Krugman has a piece up on his blog arguing that the ‘discipline of modeling’ is a sine qua non for tackling politically and emotionally charged economic issues: You might say that the way to go about research is to approach issues with a pure heart and mind: seek the truth, and derive any policy conclusions afterwards. But that, I suspect, is rarely how things work. After all, the reason you study an issue at all is usually that you care about it, that there’s something...
Read More »ESO-rapport om flyktinginvandringens offentligfinansiella kostnader
I studien görs också en prognos av flyktinginvandringens, inklusive flykting-anhöriginvandringens, långsiktiga offentligfinansiella påverkan. Denna prognos utnyttjar det faktum att flyktingars sysselsättningsutveckling varit ganska stabil för varje givet ursprungsland för de flyktingar som anlänt de senaste 20 åren, vilket ökar rimligheten i ett antagande om att liknande sysselsättningsutveckling kommer att gälla också i framtiden. Som grund för prognosen används data från år...
Read More »AfD — ein Vogelschiss in der Geschichte
AfD — ein Vogelschiss in der Geschichte [embedded content] Advertisements
Read More »From Wicksell to Le Bourva and MMT
From Wicksell to Le Bourva and MMT Comparing the limited work of Wicksell, Le Bourva, and MMT, we find that they share many similarities. Obviously, the institutions and issues being discussed have changed during the decades these scholars were writing, yet all three views agree on some fundamental issues. The methodology is quite similar, with a strong focus on balance sheets opposed to theoretical models based on assumptions that are necessary for the...
Read More »“Doctor, it hurts when I p”
“Doctor, it hurts when I p” A low-powered study is only going to be able to see a pretty big effect. But sometimes you know that the effect, if it exists, is small. In other words, a study that accurately measures the effect … is likely to be rejected as statistically insignificant, while any result that passes the p < .05 test is either a false positive or a true positive that massively overstates the … effect. … A conventional boundary, obeyed long...
Read More »Wir haben uns verpasst
Wir haben uns verpasst So stand ich also an seinem Grab und musste jenen Menschen, die gekommen waren, um von ihm Abschied zu nehmen, von seinem Leben erzählen. Aber sie kannten ihn doch viel besser als ich. Mein Sohn las ein Gedicht vor, meine Schwester erzählte, wie sie ein paar Tage zuvor vor der Wohnung meines Vaters zufällig eine Frau traf, die ihn gekannt hatte und die meine Schwester fragte, wissen Sie eigentlich, wie lebenshungrig ihr Vater gewesen...
Read More »US justice — joke of the century
US justice — joke of the century [embedded content] Advertisements
Read More »For-profit schools corrupt educational systems — lessons from Sweden
For-profit schools corrupt educational systems — lessons from Sweden Neoliberals and libertarians have always provided a lot of ideologically founded ideas and ‘theories’ to underpin their Panglossian view on markets. But when they are tested against the reality they usually turn out to be wrong. The promised results are simply not to be found. And that goes for for-profit schools too. The Swedish school system has somewhat oddly combined market principles...
Read More »Anti-Blanchard
Olivier Blanchard’s intellectual path, exploring different avenues – sometimes non-linear, sometimes even contradictory – can be considered as the personification of the controversial evolution of mainstream macroeconomic research during the last three decades … Assessing this complex intellectual path, nevertheless, also helps to understand why Blanchard’s analyses are ultimately limited by the mainstream framework, and by the role he decided to play in its defense. The...
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