Which is the cult and who are the cultists here?New StatesmanThe surprise cult of Modern Monetary Theory Hettie O'Brien
Read More »Bill Mitchell — The erroneous ‘lets have a little, some or no MMT’ narrative
It is Wednesday – so just a few observations and then we get down a bit dirty (funky that is). Today, I consider the GND a bit, critics of MMT, Japan, and more. Never a dull moment really. I didn’t really intend writing much but when you piece together a few thoughts, the words flow and so it is. The main issue is the recurring one – the lets have a little, some or no MMT narrative. This misconception regularly crops up in social media (blog posts, Twitter etc) and tells me that people are...
Read More »Russia at fault again? Merkel blames ‘third party’ for worldwide climate change protests
Young people around the world are going on marches demanding action on climate change, but Russia gets the blame for it. [embedded content] Talking almost in one breath about Russia, “hybrid warfare” and widespread environmental protests among schoolchildren across Europe is not bizarre paranoia, but a deliberate tactic, RT has been told.
Read More »Ron Paul – Modern Monetary Theory — Same Old Federal Reserve Nonsense
Ron Paul doesn't understand what money is because he thinks it has to be commodities, including gold and silver - that is, money has to have intrinsic value in itself.Money is a ledger system which helps us to pay each other for work done. If someone pays me money for work that I have done for them, then I can use that money to pay someone else to do work for me, and in this way we have exchanged work. Fiat money is the system we use to exchange work with each other.The system works on...
Read More »The Treasury will never have a problem selling bonds
The money to buy government bonds comes from government spending itself. The head of the Treasury's own advisory committee doesn't understand this.
Read More »Wolff responds to Fox & Friends
Richard Wolff says how many people were very disappointed when they got the tax cuts that the Republicans promised as many received hardly anything, and others received nothing at all, as the lion share of the tax cuts went to the very wealthy and the corporations.But what really got to Richard Wolff was the spin Fox and Friends put on the disappointing tax cuts trying to make it look better to their viewers. They also said that Mississippi and New Jersey were model states because they had...
Read More »TRNN – Venezuela: The Epicenter of the “Pink Tide” and Now of the Right-Wing Rollback
This goes very well with the BadMouseProductions video.The professor of sociology, William I. Robinson, explains how the Latin America Pink Tide revolution went wrong when they relied too much on their resources for income while using Western corporations for their extraction. William I. Robinson says they should have diversified and nationalised their financial and banking sectors. To be fair to the socialists, though, I think they didn't want to upset Western interests too much as this...
Read More »BadMouseProductions – Debunking the Economic Freedom Map
How the advocates of capitalism twist logic. If the third world embraced more markets they would become richer, like us in the first world, they say, but the IMF and the World Bank have forced open free markets on them which has enslaved them into poverty, while also saddling them with loans they can never repay because their economies can't grow.Many Indian farmers have committed suicide over the last few decades when India opened up its markets to Western competition after pressure from...
Read More »Alastair Crooke — The Dire, Unintended Consequences of Trump’s MAGA War on China
De-globalization and the collapse of the Post WWII world order. Sailing into uncharted territory. Strategic Culture FoundationThe Dire, Unintended Consequences of Trump’s MAGA War on China Alastair Crooke | founder and director of the Conflicts Forum, and former British diplomat and senior figure in British intelligence and in European Union diplomacy See also Consortium NewsPATRICK LAWRENCE: Pompeo, Pence & the Alienation of Europe
Read More »Peter May — A communist manifesto for money?
I am reposting the article below by Wally Mooney (with permission) which was an indirect reply to Paul Mason’s recent article. I thought it was a very lucid and well-argued piece on why Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)’s conclusions as to how money is created is factually correct and that is the case whether you are a Marxist or a Capitalist or somewhere in between. For me it also illuminated Marxist ideas (with which I have to imagine, Paul Mason presumably agrees). Must-read, IMHO.Wally...
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