"Stealth Socialism." The Epoch TimesMMT: Modern Monetary Theory or Monopoly Money Tyranny? Mark Hendrickson | adjunct professor of economics and sociology at Grove City College
Read More »Perfection is the killer of success
You have to take action then manage that action, not wait around for the perfect setup which is unknowable.
Read More »Jared Dillian — It’s Dumb To Have No Gold Amid All Of This
A bit of ideological bias at work influencing view of causality, namely, that austerity is expansionary because saving funds investment? I suppose that if Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) were implemented, foreign exchange markets would have their say about it (provided we still had floating exchange rates). Do you think it is a coincidence that the two biggest bull markets correspond with government austerity? I do not. And tell us what happened after the two biggest bull markets? MMT...
Read More »Nathan Lewis — The Problem With “Modern Monetary Theory” Is That It’s True
Nathan Lewis is totally confused about government finance and central banking. And he has an attitude to begin with. Amazing that this kind of rant gets published. Oh well, Forbes. ForbesThe Problem With "Modern Monetary Theory" Is That It's True Nathan Lewis
Read More »Brad DeLong — I would not have called MMT “nonsense economics”.
Brad DeLong schools Jonathan Portes.Grasping RealityI would not have called MMT "nonsense economics". Brad DeLong | Professor of Economics, UCAL Berkeley
Read More »Bob Adelmann — CBO: National Debt to Nearly Double by 2029
What Bob Adelmann doesn't seem to get is that government spending adds to GDP and if GDP and the debt grow at the same rate, then the debt to GDP ratio remains the same. There is a multiplier, however, and if the multiplier is greater than 1, then the ratio decreases (GDP goes up more than debt), while if the multiplier is less than 1, the ratio increases (debt goes up more than GDP). The focus therefore should be on the multiplier if one evaluates growth as the priority and assumes that...
Read More »John Mauldin — This Money-Destroying Policy Could Soon Become A Reality
John Mauldin obsessing again. It was my first encounter with what I thought was economic insanity.More than 10 years ago, I came across the ideas of economist Bill Mitchell of the University of Newcastle in New South Wales. He was teaching what he called Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). I looked into it and quickly dismissed it as silly... Congress has tried to create agencies which would use the Fed to directly create money. These agencies and methods have all been ruled overwhelmingly...
Read More »Scott Sumner — Magical Thinking
Paul Krugman has a couple of posts criticizing MMT. He tries to be polite, pointing out that at the zero bound their policy recommendations are less bad than those of advocates of austerity. But deep down he must know that this model is sheer madness. Stephanie Kelton responds, and continues the long MMTer tradition of being unable to provide a clear explanation of the ideas.... Bond vigilantes.The Money IllusionMagical Thinking Scott Sumner | Director of the Program on Monetary Policy at...
Read More »Stephanie Kelton — Modern Monetary Theory Is Not a Recipe for Doom
Now MMT has a bully pulpit, too. The table is still tipped though. But MMT is no longer reduced to rebutting Paul Krugman in his comments section. More progress!Bloomberg OpinionModern Monetary Theory Is Not a Recipe for DoomStephanie Kelton | Professor of Public Policy and Economics at Stony Brook University, formerly Democrats' chief economist on the staff of the U.S. Senate Budget Committee, and an economic adviser to the 2016 presidential campaign of Senator Bernie Sanders
Read More »Venezuela: US/Canadian Attempted Coup Not About Democracy – Paul Jay (Pt1/2)
The problem with Venezuela was that Hugo Chavez wasn't socialist enough, says Paul Jay, and so he didn't come down hard enough on the elite, whose power structure he left largely in place.He says how Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro are described as in the West as brutal dictators, but MBS is just described as the Crown Prince, although he ordered the death of an American citizen, as well as arrest many members of his family, murdered others, and some were tortured to death.When Hugo Chavez...
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