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Mike Norman Economics

Zero Hedge — This is What The “Trade” War With China Is Really All About

What is really at the basis of the ongoing civilizational conflict between the US and China, a feud which many say has gradually devolved into a new cold war if few top politicians are willing to call it for what it is, are China’s ambitions to be a leader in next-generation technology, such as artificial intelligence, which rest on whether or not it can design and manufacture cutting-edge chips, and is why Xi has pledged at least $150 billion to build up the sector. But, as the FT notes,...

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Yannick Slade-Caffarel — The nature of heterodox economics revisited

While the mainstream is defined by an insistence on method, the heterodoxy is defined by a concern with reality. What is so powerful about the conception, and what seems to have been almost entirely ignored, is what comes next. The implication of Lawson’s conception is that heterodox economics encompasses all those researchers that desire to study economic phenomena in accordance with our best understanding of how social phenomena exist. What method they decide to use is not a factor in...

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Kevin Barrett – Trump’s Attorney General nominee Barr a drug dealing assassin?

At the top are some pretty nasty people. The world is a dangerous place. By Kevin Barrett, Veterans Today Editor Anybody who thinks Trump is out to drain the swamp and bust the Deep State just got a dose of reality medicine, in the form of Trump’s nomination of swamp monster William Barr as our next Attorney General. According to former Bush-CIA black ops specialist Chip Tatum, Barr was part of Operation 40, an Agency-linked criminal gang that moved huge quantities of drugs and was...

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RT — Russian media covered the Yellow Vest protests; now France is investigating Russian ‘interference’

It's becoming clearer that "Russian interference" means RT and Sputnik journalism rather than hacking and "dirty tricks." Russian state-sponsored media are covering news that the Western news media is either blacking out completely, suppressing, or spinning according to the controlling narrative.RTRussian media covered the Yellow Vest protests; now France is investigating Russian ‘interference’See alsoRTWikiLeaks skewers Guardian writer for zany theory that RT is, wait for it... reporting...

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Col. W. Patrick Lang — An editorial on Trump’s methods

I have seen this kind of methodology many times before in the world of sole owner entrepreneurial business. In that world egotism is king and the owner/wheeler dealer stands alone surrounded by underlings and consultants. For him they are nothing. They are expendable assets who exist only to serve his egocentric will and interests. They are there to be useful to him and can be disposed of whenever they are not. Trump operates exactly that way. Subordinates are disposable at will....

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“It is clear the US is pushing the battle line to our door … We can completely regard the US arrest of Meng Wanzhou as a declaration of war against China.” So read an editorial in the Global Times of China on December 6, the day after Meng Wanzhou, chief financial officer of the Chinese company Huawei was taken hostage by the Canadian and American governments on December 1. The daughter of the founder of China’s largest telecommunications company was arbitrarily arrested and detained by...

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Caitlin Johnstone — How Plutocratic Media Keeps Staff Aligned With Establishment Agendas

The way I see it there are only two possible explanations for the unanimous consensus in mass media on these issues: Explanation 1: The consensus exists because the mass media reporters are all telling the truth all the time. OR Explanation 2: The consensus exists because there is some kind of system in place which keeps all mass media reporters lying to us and painting a false picture about what’s going on in the world. Those are the only two possibilities, and only one can be true,...

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