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Mike Norman Economics

PoNS Device – The Key to Neuroplastic Healing

It's amazing what people can think up next, when there is no hope we still go on to find something that helps.There is too much carbon in the atmosphere, which mankind seems incapable of reducing, but researchers have found that if people in the third world graze their livestock properly by moving them around, they re -fertilize the ground bringing about massive new plant life growth which soaks up the carbon, and what was once a near desert can be turned into lush green productive land...

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SPY SECRETS Truth about CIA’s illegal MKUltra mind-control experiments – using drugs, hypnosis and electronic devices- revealed in sensational new documents officials hid for decades

The records “rewrite the history” of the CIA’s covert and illegal MKUltra project, according to researcher John Greenewald Jr who spent almost 20 years trying to obtain the documents  MKUktra? I've never written about that here, well, I would be considered to be a conspiracy theorist, something we are not at MNE's. I never saw enough evidence for it to until now, and without evidence it can only be a curiosity, but now the evidence is out, but only a little bit of it, it's so redacted....

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John Ferguson – Secret Scottish-based office led infowars attack on Labour and Jeremy Corbyn

Explosive leaked documents passed to the Sunday Mail reveal the organisation’s Integrity Initiative is funded with £2million of Foreign Office cash and run by military intelligence specialists. I have read how some people on the right tend to be paranoid seeing enemies when their aren't any. Could these people at the British Foreign Office really believe Russia-gate nonsense? It's disturbing.   A secret UK Government-funded infowars unit based in Scotland sent out social media posts...

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9 Dec 2018

LabourEmily Thornberry responds to reported government funded attacks on the Labour Party Zero HedgeChina Summons US Ambassador Over Huawei Arrest, Threatens "Further Action" ReutersU.S. says March 1 'hard deadline' for trade deal with ChinaThe HillKudlow: Trump did not know about plan to arrest Huawei executive Megan Keller Zero HedgeOPEC's Deep Cuts & The Rise Of The Petroyuan Tom Luongo Syrian PerspectiveTHE INVASION OF IDLIB HAS BEGUN; 150,000 SYRIAN SOLDIERS AT THE READY;...

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David Graeber — The “Yellow Vests” Show How Much the Ground Moves Under Our Feet

David Graeber has been complaining that he can only get published in French now. Here is an English translation of one of his latest. Infoshop News via La MondeThe “Yellow Vests” Show How Much the Ground Moves Under Our Feet See also at Infoshop NewsYellow Vests Movement Rocks France See also Not actually official since there is no organization.  The Yellow Vest movement is being viewed as a sequel to Occupy Wall Street. One of the criticisms is that Occupy never produced a set...

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Lars P. Syll — Wynne Godley — the man who saw through the euro

My comment there:While the EZ certainly should scrap the euro as a failed experiment, which was really an attempt to impose neoliberalism, elite control and corporate totalitarianism on Europe, doing so will not solve the problem, since it is only part of the problem.The underlying problem is capitalism in the sense that "capitalism" means favoring capital formation and accumulation over the other factors of production — labor (people) and land (environment) — because "growth" and...

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Joe Brewer — Society As Platform — A New Frontier in Complexity Science

Must-read.Joe Brewer elaborates on the foundation for contemporary problem solving at the macro level. It's short and to the point. This is going to take specialists in a variety of fields and generalists to tie it together. Being complex and therefore subject to emergence, it's always a work in progress as seizing opportunities leads to fresh challenges.ResilienceSociety As Platform — A New Frontier in Complexity Science Joe Brewer

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Peter Cooper — Productive and Unproductive Labor in a Macro Context

As is well known, Marx and the classical political economists before him made a distinction between productive and unproductive labor. Marx’s distinction is somewhat differed from Smith’s. For Marx, labor is productive when it is: (i) directly productive of surplus value; and (ii) exchanged directly against capital. I remain unsure how applicable the distinction is to a state money system. Some of my misgivings are explained in an earlier post. The uncertainty has held back an attempt to...

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Lee Camp – TRILLIONS Still Missing At Pentagon, Mexico’s Leftist President, Extinction Rebellion

This is from RT, so it's critics are going to say it's Russian propaganda. Hey, but what if it happens to be fact? Well, the purpose of RT is to undermine our system, say its critics. But they are facts, so why don't we hear about the biggest accounting fraud in US history from our own media?Okay, Forbes did say the truth about this accounting fraud, but the rest of the media has gone quiet about this, or they say it's just an accounting error and the money got spent, or the Pentagon is set...

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Total Media Blackout! Paris Is Far Worse Than They Will Tell You!

In this interview, Bob, an alias, says that this French revolution is going to grow and will spread into Europe and maybe even go to the US. He says this unites both the left and right. He says it will get worse over the coming month and he believes a new government will be installed which will probably be more authortarian. He says how the police and the military are on the people's side. The violence is caused by the police using aggressive actions, like teargas on peaceful...

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