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Mike Norman Economics

Adams/North: The Madness Of Modern Monetary Theory

I don't know who John Adams is, but he seems to be a gold and silver bug and very right wing in his economics and maybe even be a libertarian. I'm not an economist but I began to see his arguments were nonsense. For instance, he says that MMT states that printing more money is not inflationary when the economy is under productive because the new money will produce more goods and services, but he goes on to say that adding more money to the money supply is always inflationary without saying...

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Links — 5 Dec 2018

Oriental ReviewIs China Really More “Dystopian” Than The UK? Andrew Korybko Renegade, Inc.We are all Julian Assange Daniel Margrain Consortium NewsYellow Jackets Rise Against Neo-Liberal ‘King’ Macron Diana Johnstone FAIRCan Corporate Media Be Any Worse… Venezuelanalysis Venezuela Is Not a Sponsor of Terrorism Lissett Hernandez | chargé d'affaires for the Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela RTTrump: China should use death penalty for distributors of Fentanyl, ‘results...

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Andrei Martyanov — A Rather Expected Response

American foreign policy realists and idealists both clueless about reality? Military analyst and former Soviet military officer Andrei Martyanov thinks so and gives reasons, the principal one being failure of academicians to understand the material systems involved in military science because they are not qualified to do so. So it is a matter of incompetent academics advising clueless politicians.This is especially poignant now that the US is trying to disengage from Afghanistan and Syria...

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Branko Milanovic — Why inequality matters?

This is the question that I am often asked and will be asked in two days. So I decided to write my answers down.… The reasons can be formally broken down into three groups: instrumental reasons having to do with economic growth, reasons of fairness, and reasons of politics.... Contra trickle down, on  one hand, and, more importantly, critiquing the engine that drives capitalism— profit as surplus value over subsistence. The consequence of this is paradox, which Marxians call "internal...

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Ramanan — Rare Wynne Godley Video Clips

You might be aware of the hour-long Wynne Godley’s interview with Alan Mcfarlane from 2008 titled, Interview On The Life And Work Of Wynne Godley. But there’s a 90-second clip and a 19-second clip I found from 1993 on Getty Images with the descriptions…. Thanks for sharing. The Case for Concerted ActionRare Wynne Godley Video ClipsV. Ramanan

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Col. W. Patrick Lang — — Let the Russians or the Chinese fight over Saudi money, not us!

Mister President, in the patois of your native New York City, pull your head out of your ass concerning the Middle East. The Saudis AND their government are nearly all religious fanatics of the Wahhabi, Sunni variety. The Al- Saud family run an absolute tyranny justified by their defense of the fanatic, medievalist brand of Islam that they live by as well as by the support of tribal groups who keep the Al-Saud secure as they always have. Wake up! All the world is NOT a market place....

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Pepe Escobar — On The Road to a Post-G20 World

The ascendence of China and multilateral trading blocks could eventually spell the doom of the G20 and U.S. global dominance, as Pepe Escobar explains. Consortium News On The Road to a Post-G20 World Pepe Escobar See also by Pepe Escobar at Consortium News Future of Western Democracy Being Played Out in Brazil (9 Oct 2018) Welcome to the Jungle (29 Oct 2018)See also Reminiscence of the FutureA Teaser Andrei Martyanov

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Links — 4 Dec 2018

Strategic Culture FoundationEncouraged by US, Ukraine Prepares to Stage Military Provocation Arkady Savitsky SouthFrontPoroshenko Finds Out 80,000 Russian Troops Stationed For Invasion In Ukraine [snark] SouthFrontNATO Secretary General Says Military Bloc Is Not Going To Withdraw From Afghanistan In Any Scenario SouthFrontVIDEO: KAZACHKA | MASTER CLASS OF RUSSIAN BEAUTY ON SABERS Fort Russ NewsMaduro Insists Right to Sell Gold as Turkey and Venezuela Create anti-US Alliance Paul...

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