The Russians are getting blamed for everything: They were behind the Yellow Vests protest; the Brexit vote was blamed on them; the BBC recently said that Russia uses humor to influence people, but no jokes are ever allowed to be said about Putin; the Russians influenced the black vote either by getting them to stay at home, or vote for Trump, or Jill Stein.When the Google CEO was asked by Congress if they had identified how much money Russian agents had spent on influencing the presidential...
Read More »C. George Caffentzis — Algebraic Money: Berkeley’s Philosophy of Mathematics and Money
AbstractIn the early 1730s George Berkeley began to explore the conceptual field between ideas and spirits that he previously claimed to be empty. In this field he found a rich set of concepts including “notions,” “principles,” “beliefs,” “opinions,” and even “prejudices.” Elsewhere I have referred to this phase in Berkeley’s thought as his “second conceptual revolution.”2 I believe that it was motivated by his increasing need to develop a language to discuss the social, moral and...
Read More »Links — 27 Dec 2018
Reminiscence of the Future14/16 Andrei MartyanovAsia TimesChristmas makes a comeback in Damascus Sami MoubayedRTSyrian Christian town where Jesus’ language remains in use celebrates Christmas (VIDEO) EcnsChina's BeiDou system now at the service of global users EcnsHuawei set to post 21% sales growth in 2018 Consortium NewsA Reuters Report on Iran That Fueled US Diatribes Ivan Kesic. in Zagreb, CroatiaJacobinRussia Beyond Supervillainy Branko MarceticMint Press NewsBanned: The Smear...
Read More »Stocks beat back heavy selling to close higher
Another good day. More signs of a turn.
Read More »Bill Mitchell — More Brexit nonsense from the pro-European dreamers
What editorial control does the UK Guardian exercise on Op Ed pieces? Seemingly none if you read this article (December 24, 2018) – What Labour can learn about Brexit from California: think twice – written by some well-to-do American postgraduate working for DiEM25 in Athens. But when Thomas Fazi and I sought space to discuss our book – Reclaiming the State: A Progressive Vision of Sovereignty for a Post-Neoliberal World (Pluto Books, 2017) – or when I have sought space to provide some...
Read More »TRNN – The Global Power Elite: A Transnational Class
Peter Philips, author of the book, Giants: The Global Power Elite, says that the one percent own half of the wealth in the world and they have run out of places to re-invest their money. If you think about it, if you make a profit and keep re-investing that profit to make even more profit you are eventually going to run out of places to invest it.To find new places to invest their money the One Percent have got the IMF to force countries to privatise their public services and infrastructure,...
Read More »RT – Media McCarthyism: Naming and Shaming
George Galloway says he has the biggest independent radio show in the UK at the moment and it's owned by Rupert Murdoch, but he says he might move the show over to Sputnik Radio. [embedded content] Polly Boiko reports on the UK media witch hunt against Sputnik journalists working at the UK bureau in Edinburgh who have been “outed” in a American owned British newspaper “The Sunday Times”. Ashlee Banks talks with former UK MP George Galloway about what this means, the possibility of...
Read More »Jimmy Dore – Hilary Pushes For More War In Syria
Hilary says we are empowering ISIS by pulling the troops out of Syria. Hmm, but if we stay and fight ISIS we strengthen Assad, and if we fight Assad we strengthen ISIS.But Obama and Clinton funded the Syrian Rebels, aka, ISIS, Deash, Al Queda, or whatever ABC they call themselves, to overthrow Assad. [embedded content]
Read More »Gilad Atzmon’s Christmas Message
Gilad Atzmon needs our help. Please spread the word. Following the intense smear campaign against me, my work, my writing and my livelihood, I decided to produce this short Christmas message and address the ludicrous accusations against me and also to wish you all merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Thank you all for your support. Please share with friends and foes. To sign a petition in support of Gilad click here Lodge a formal complaint with Islington...
Read More »Markets stage historic rally
Indices up 5% or more.
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