Considering the current single-digit popularity rating of Poroshenko and the fact that he has no chance in hell to be re-elected (at least not in minimally credible elections) it is pretty darn obvious of why the Ukronazi regime in Kiev decided to trigger yet another crisis and then blame Russia for it. The very last thing Russia needs is yet another crisis, especially not before a possible Putin-Trump meeting at the G20 Buenos Aires summit later this month. In fact, Ukrainian bloggers...
Read More »Andrew Korybko — China’s “Social Credit” System: Dystopia By Design Or Successful Social Engineering?
The game-changer, however, is that China’s “social credit” system will introduce so-called “algorithmic governance” that sees complex AI programs replacing human decision makers when it comes to enforcing the country’s socio-legal standards. This necessitates that that the government eventually obtains full video and digital control over every aspect of the country and integrates these two systems into a holistic one that also doles out the privileges and penalties associated with citizen...
Read More »James Pethokoukis — Republicans have a big new economic idea. It’s terrible.
James Pethokoukis is has a master's degree in journalism and no credentials in economics. Perhaps this explains at least part of his failure to understand that globalization under neoliberal doctrine — "free markets, free trade, and free capital flows" results in the great leveling as capital flows where resources, including labor, as least expensive in order to be be competitive. This implies that wages and capital investment in developed countries, where resources are most costly, will...
Read More »Jacobin — Introducing The ABCs of Capitalism
Political organizing is hard — political education shouldn’t have to be. In the best tradition of socialist pedagogy, Catalyst and Jacobin are partnering up for a new series of pamphlets, called The ABCs of Capitalism. Each one is self-contained, and can be read on its own. But the series as a whole will be internally coherent and later pamphlets will build on the earlier ones....Pamphlet one: “Understanding Capitalism.” A forty-page text explaining clearly why capitalism isn’t just a...
Read More »Graham Barnes — Ideologies of credit creation
The Individual Anyone can create their own credit notes – it’s getting them accepted that is the problem. As individuals we can only back credit issued with our own personal capabilities to create. So a note from an artisan baker who lives nearby is probably a good bet. But in late stage capitalism most of our personal contributions to value-added are selected/ combined/ subsumed into the capitalist value-creation function. In fact this selection and combination is the core rationale for...
Read More »Bill Mitchell — The ‘fiscal contraction expansion’ lie lives on – now playing in Italy – Part 1
Pathetic was the first word that came to mind when I read this article – The Italian Budget: A Case of Contractionary Fiscal Expansion? – written by Olivier Blanchard and Jeromin Zettlemeyer, from the Peter Peterson Institute for International Economics. Here is a former IMF chief economist and a former German economic bureaucrat continuing to rehearse the failed ‘fiscal contraction expansion’ lie that rose to prominence during the worst days of the GFC, when the European Commission and the...
Read More »“Deciphering the Gospels”
This is from the Overview of the book pop cognitive "scientist!" Pinker is endorsing here: It is shown that the teachings of Jesus in the Gospel of Mark, as well as the relationship between Jesus and his “disciples”, are all derived from the letters of Paul. This is interesting because in all of Paul's letters he never once mentions the word "disciple" or the "discipling" method of cognitive development used by Jesus with His "disciples" as depicted in the "gospels"...Paul rather refers...
Read More »Kerch Kerfuffle
WWI and WWII began in Eastern Europe.Coincidentally, a similar situation exists in the South China Sea as in the Black Sea and Sea of Azov.Any coordination with the CW attack on Aleppo?Geopolitical AlertTensions Flair in Black Sea & Donbass Days After UK’s New Deployments to Region Jim Carey Fort Russ NewsBREAKING: Ukraine Begins Heavy Shelling of Donetsk Republic Joaquin Flores TASSRussia asks for convening UN SC meeting on Sea of Azov situation TASSUkraine’s Security Council...
Read More »Paul Robinson — LACK OF INTEGRITY
Smackdown. It’s a common complaint that Russian media are controlled by the state. By contrast, the Western media, and Western opinion formers, such as academics and think tank members, are considered to be independent and impartial. Yet in reality, the relationship between them is often far cozier than people understand, and sometimes far cozier than it ought to be. I’m sure that everybody involved in the Integrity Initiative believes that they are acting for the best. But if they have...
Read More »Money Still Rules US Politics — Paul Heideman interviews Thomas Ferguson
Though pundits have been scrambling to find new and inventive ways to describe the extraordinary nature of this year’s midterm elections, in one respect they’re just like the 2014, 2010, and 2006 contests: they’re the most expensive on record. Money has poured, in particular, into Democratic candidates’ coffers, with mediagenic figures like Texas Senate candidate Beto O’Rourke collecting massive amounts from out-of-state donors. Thomas Ferguson is the leading scholar of money in American...
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