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Mike Norman Economics

Sanctions and Trade Wars — Links

Fort Russ NewsSO IT BEGINS: Venezuela Kicks-off Sale of CryptocurrencyPaul Antonopoulos Sputnik International Iran Selling Oil on Stock Exchange - Energy Expert Sputnik International Russia May Partially Replace US in Soybean Exports to China Amid Trade War - PM Sputnik InternationalFrance Will Lead EU Drive to Defy Iran Sanctions, Bolster Euro – Minister TASSRussia can temporarily restrict lumber export to China, natural resources minister warns Asia TimesChina will not be bullied by...

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Brad DeLong on the election returns

And, of course, in 2016 three million more voters cast their votes for Democratic than for Republican Senate candidates. And the 2018 House vote went Democratic by 9.2 percentage point:: FiveThirtyEight: Significant Digits For Wednesday, November 7, 2018l: "Voters cast 44.7 million votes for Democratic Senate candidates and 32.9 million votes for Republican Senate candidates... 57 percent of Senate votes went for Democrats... Another reason that America is a republic rather than a...

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Brian Romanchuk — Comments On Eric Lonergan’s Fiscal Rules Post

Eric Lonergan has recently written a post about the fiscal rules debate that has cropped up around the U.K. Labour Party's adoption of such a rule. As usual, his post covers a lot of territory -- if I were to attempt to cover all the points he raised when following my preferred writing style, it would be a 10 part article. Meanwhile, I am supposed to be working on finishing off my breakeven inflation book, as well as dealing with other projects. As a result, I just want to respond to a...

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Bill Mitchell — Corbyn more scary than Brexit

Funny (and sad) satirical post from Bill today.I have concluded that the "debate" has now degenerated to the point it is now longer worth the time to keep up and comment. Bill's post captures the essence of it regarding MMT but this syndrome has also affected almost all other areas of interest.The crazy is now the "reality."Bill Mitchell – billy blogCorbyn more scary than BrexitBill Mitchell | Professor in Economics and Director of the Centre of Full Employment and Equity (CofFEE), at...

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Rethinking Economics – Decision by Sampling, or ‘Psychologists Reclaim Their Turf’

Economists use a lot of math and so like to keep the study of individual preferences very simple, says this article. But psychologists know that an individual's preferences are strongly related to the group they are in.For instance, go to a party where everyone is knocking the beer and wine back and you might think that having two glasses of wine is very moderate. But go to another party where everyone is teetotal but they say they will open up bottle of wine for you if you want, you might...

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Ed Miliband and Geoff Lloyd – QE OR NOT QE?: printing money for a purpose

Quite a nice little podcast, I thought, but the show is funded by HSBC.Fran Boait, from Positive Money, and Josh Ryan-Collins discuss quantitative easing for the people. Now that people have seen that the government can create money and spend it without causing inflation the ice had been broken, they say.Ed Miliband and Geoff Lloyd said they didn't fully understand everything about quantitative easing for the people despite Geoff having a master's degree in economics. Well, I'm not doing too...

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Nader Deconstructs Apple

Apple are going to buy back $1 billion of its shares. Ralph Nader says they have so much money they don't know what to do when it. Under Steve Jobs Apple did but own one cent, but dunce he has gone they have borrowed $1.5 billion. Nader says why didn't they pay fair share of taxes, or pay its workers a decent wage, or invest in its company, or spend some money ensuring that discarded i Phones don't harm the environment?US companies have bought back $7 trillion of stock over the years. The...

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Gentleman’s Gazette – How to Get The Right Hat for Your Face Shape & Body Type – Fedora, Panama Hats, & Felt Hats For Men

Do you like hats, I do, especially a Trilby hats? I go Lindy Hop dancing - 1930's swing - and we love to dress up for it looking very Gatsby. I even even have a violin case which I carry in and I've heard of people having fake tommy guns inside too.  Flat caps look great at dancing as well.Anyway, I haven't just posted this for the great advice on selecting the right hat for your body size and face shape, but because the video is so darn entertaining. I just love it, and the guy is so dapper...

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