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Mike Norman Economics

Bel True – ‘Irresponsible and incoherent’: British-backed bombing raids destroy UK aid in Yemen

42% of the British public don't even know that there is a war going on in Yemen. Aid projects funded by Oxfam in Yemen have been hit in Saudi-led coalition airstrikes, it has emerged, as the British government faces mounting pressure to halt arms sales to Riyadh.   A vital cholera treatment centre in Abs, in the Hajjah province, was hit in June in coalition war strikes – which are supported by British intelligence – despite the location being reported to the Saudi alliance more than 12...

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The Conservatives have been the biggest borrowers over the last 70 years

The Conservatives have borrowed £670 billion in the last 7 years, while Labour governments have borrowed in total £500 billion in the last 33 years.British Conservative Party says we need to reduce spending because we have run out of money and so they have implemented harsh austerity.  Public services have been cut to the bone and the NHS is struggling while waiting lists have increased.Lots of people have had their benefits cut, or taken away completely, and suicides have been on the rise....

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Pratap Bhanu Mehta — A darkening horizon [for the liberal order]

As the recently much derided “liberal order” ebbs away, what is the ideological constellation that will replace it? The liberal order was often more an idea than a reality and in international politics, often not very liberal at all. But it operated within a series of normative horizons — economic centrism, openness to trade, multiculturalism, and so on. The flagbearers of that order are losing credibility all across the world, for a variety of reasons. Deep misjudgements on inequality,...

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Paul Antonopoulos — Russia Acquires Record Tonnage Of Gold

The world’s central banks have acquired a record amount of gold in the third quarter of 2018 since 2015. The biggest buyer was Russia’s Central Bank, according to the World Gold Council (WGC) report. Over the past three months, global gold purchases totaled more than 148,000 tonnes, up 22% year-on-year, reports the World Gold Council. The leaders in purchases were Russia (99.2 tonnes of gold) and Turkey (18.5 tonnes).Russia’s central bank gold reserves surpassed 2,000 tonnes for the first...

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James George Jatras — American Politics Is Now Just Civil War by Other Means

The de facto civil war in the US is obscuring two existential threats — climate change and nuclear war. Jatras mentions only the latter. Still, the US remains addicted to ever-increasing sanctions, and despite warnings from both Russia and China that they are prepared for war – warnings virtually ignored by the US media and political class – the US keeps pressing on all fronts: outer space, the Arctic, Europe (withdrawal from the INF treaty), Ukraine, the South China Sea, the Taiwan Strait,...

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German banks

The 40B per month of asset purchases by the ECB create non-risk reserve assets in surplus Germany causing the denominator in DB's Leverage Ratio to continually increase and the ratio to violate the threshold....Checkmate... again....This will stop if the ECB doesn't renege on its promise to stop these purchases next month and then Europe should start to turn up slightly...Or.... its all part of the "vast neo-liberal conspiracy!!!".... Very hot take on #EBA #StressTests1) if you think...

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