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Mike Norman Economics

“Scrutinising the media: Fake news, censorship, and war” – Nov 4

It looks like people are doing something about the fake news and propaganda in our media. A reminder that the event “Scrutinising the media: Fake news, censorship, and war” is taking place tomorrow, Sunday Nov 4, Lincoln, UK. It promises to be an interesting and highly relevant discussion. More information at the events’s website. Or contact the organiser David Hughes at [email protected] event will engage the public in discussion and debate about journalistic objectivity in...

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Zero Hedge — “Your Pet Will Be Confiscated!”: A Shocking Glimpse Inside China’s New Social Credit System

Singapore has had an even more "draconian" (from the US perspective) social policy than China for many years. Ever hear of it in the US media that trumpet the "Singapore miracle"?The fact is that Asians are traditionally much more social than Americans, who are the most highly individualistic people in the world. One nation's "liberty" is another's "license." This is also the case internally in the US, and it is one factor in the extreme divisiveness that the US is now experiencing socially...

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KAREN GLASER – Why I kicked my boyfriend out at 2am over anti-Semitism in the Labour party

I believe this New Statesman article is an attempt to undermine Jeremy Corbyn's movement and to stop him from gaining power. Karen Glaser is an alias Jewish name.Karen Glaser's boyfriend made the mistake of saying that all Jews are rich, but does that mean he is antisemitic? He just sounds immature.Karen Glaser believes there is a problem of antisemitism in the Labour party and that Jeremy Corbyn is antisemitic. So, having a problem with Israel's treatment of the Palestinians makes a person...

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Power Compare – Countries That Consume More Or Less Electricity Than Bitcoin Mining In Late 2018

The map above is an update on last year’s look at Bitcoin electricity consumption. Currently, only 38 countries definitely consume more electricity than total Bitcoin mining. Other quick facts: The Digiconomist Bitcoin Energy Consumption Index currently estimates that Bitcoin mining is consuming somewhere between 55.63 and 73.12 TWh of electricity per year. This means Bitcoin mining is now using more electricity than between 175 and 181 individual countries/territories (up from...

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Paul Robinson — Assumptions

Assumptions are extremely important. If they’re wrong, everything which follows is probably wrong too. So when analysts don’t make their assumptions clear to policy makers, but instead try to pass them off as facts, there’s a great danger that poor decisions will result. What brings this to mind is a new report by Duncan Allan, published by Chatham House and entitled Managed Confrontation: UK Policy Towards Russia After the Salisbury Attack.... While what professor Robinson says is clearly...

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Toluse Olorunnipa — Bolton Calls National Debt ‘Economic Threat’ to U.S.

Acting-President John Bolton speaks nonsense from his bully pulpit again. National security adviser says to cut discretionary spending Many budget experts say entitlements are bigger threat “It is a fact that when your national debt gets to the level ours is, that it constitutes an economic threat to the society,” Bolton said. “And that kind of threat ultimately has a national security consequence for it.”... BloombergBolton Calls National Debt ‘Economic Threat’ to U.S. Toluse...

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Paul Antonopoulos — Russia, India and Iran Organize Unprecedented Alternative to the Suez Canal

The new project will involve both rail and sea transport. The products will be transported from India to the Iranian city of Bandar Abbas on the coast of the Persian Gulf, then – to Bandar-e Anzali, on the coast of the Caspian Sea, from where they will travel to the Russian city of Astrakhan by sea, then to Europe by rail. The new route will be cheaper and shorter than the Suez Canal because the time and cost of transportation will be reduced by 30-40%. For example, compared with the Suez...

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