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Mike Norman Economics

Jimmy Dore – Chris Hedges Interview

There's quite a lot here, but if you like Chris Hedges, it's quite good. Here he is talking about his new book, America: The Farewell Tour.Chris Hedges won a scholarship to a top school and he says that the elite are even stranger in person. They are pompous, full of their own importance, selfish, narcissistic, psychopathic, and perverted ( probably due to their inbreeding, I might add - lizard people!).Book review:Chris Hedges’s profound and provocative examination of America in crisis is...

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Paul Tucker — The 5 best books on The Administrative State

Experts versus populists, bureaucracy versus democracy: Paul Tucker, former deputy governor of the Bank of England and a fellow at Harvard's John F Kennedy School of Government, chooses books that wrestle with the central dilemmas of today's liberal political order…. Important with respect to the paradoxes of liberalism that are are now coming to a head in the conflict between politics as usual and populism. Steven Bannon's chief target was the administrative state, which is bound up in the...

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Don Quijones — Italy’s Debt Crisis Thickens

The new big fear is that this month, either or both, Moody’s and S&P, will downgrade Italian debt two notches into junk territory. The potential implications of such a move, not only for Italy but for the European project as a whole, are so huge that many market players are discounting it as a possibility altogether. “A downgrade to junk could trigger a full-blown (euro zone) crisis,” said Nicola Mai, a portfolio manager at PIMCO, the world’s largest bond investor. “…Which is why I...

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Stephanie Kelton – Presidential Lecture Series: Stephanie Kelton

Warren Mosler tweeted this saying he liked it. Who was it that said that he doesn't like the left wing economists who have taken over MMT? [embedded content] Our nation’s finances are a blistering topic. Democrats blame Republicans for "blowing up the deficit" with tax cuts, while Republicans insist that programs such as Social Security and Medicare are the real drivers of our fiscal mess. As politicians fight over who’s at fault, an important debate is getting lost in the fog. Professor...

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Pepe Escobar — What sanctions on Russia and China really mean

The Pentagon may not be advocating total war against both Russia and China – as it has been interpreted in some quarters Look at the behavior and its motives rather than the speech and spin. Global hegemony is a zero-sum game for the US. The stakes could not be higher. Obviously, the US has not built the military it has to defend the homeland or even its allies. The US would prefer to prevail through hybrid means rather than kinetically, but if not .... Even an amateur in...

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Link — 18 Oct 2018

According to a recent survey, 46% of participants do not doubt that the military confrontation will occur next year. As a comparison, in 2017, only 5% of the US military expected an armed conflict, while 50% discarded a war scenario and 4% did not respond. As for the most likely enemies, US soldiers mostly mentioned Russia and China. Respectively, 72% and 69% of those interviewed chose these two countries.... Fort Russ News NEARLY HALF OF THE U.S MILITARY PERSONNEL BELIEVES WAR WITH...

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