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Mike Norman Economics

Paul Robinson — Stubborn resistance

More on just war theory and liberal interventionism. This is philosophy as critical thinking applied practically, i.e., applied philosophy. I largely agree with Robinson's analysis. What he omits, and which I take to be crucial, is that the argument in the abstract ignores the relevance of interference to further policy, which involves the interests and policy goals of the interferer.  This creates a conflict of interest, since it is not a disinterested action any longer but an...

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On the Censorship of Michael Hoffman’s Books by Amazon — The Saker interviews Michale Hoffman

More signs of the collapse of American liberalism. The Unz ReviewOn the Censorship of Michael Hoffman's Books by Amazon The Saker interviews Michale HoffmanSee also When Europeans land on the U.S. No-Fly List, they have almost no chance to challenge it, as a German couple from Stuttgart recently found out the hard way. Their case casts light on an Orwellian lack of transparency in the war on terror. Spiegel Online EnglishOrwellian Nightmare: A German Couple Winds Up on U.S. No-Fly List...

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RT – We’re not agents’: UK’s suspects in Skripal case talk exclusively with RT’s editor-in-chief (VIDEO)

RT interview the Novichok suspects, Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov. They seem to be genuine and came forward to RT to clear their name. They say that the recent weeks have been a nightmare and they fear that their lives are on danger. But they are a little cagey in the interview not giving too many details of what they do for a living, just saying they are in the sports nutrition business, which has left Western press to dismiss them as Russian agents. In fact, some of the Western...

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By CHARLES F. MCELWEE III – Who Speaks For the Suffering Upper Middle Class?

New data suggest these high income earners are living paycheck to paycheck, have fewer assets, and can't retire.                                     It seems that even the upper middle classes are suffering too. I can remember the managers at my old company working all the hours under the sun, because if they wanted to get anywhere they had to put the hours in. That's okay if you enjoy it, or work for yourself and you can see the long them benefits, but are a lot of middle management...

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Joe Giambrone – Those Permanent War “Progressives”

Throughout Western history progressive voices have supported the Empires wars. The ruling elite seem to have no problem getting members of the so called 'liberal left' on their side, in fact, this seems to be part of their strategy to get their wars going.George Monbiot of the Guardian, was recently singing on the Syrian war, and yet, years ago he wrote an article about the School of America's torture manual and the cruelty inflicted on Central America, so he can't be that naive about what ...

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Middle East Monitor — Majority of Israeli Jews Believe They Are ‘Chosen People’

This finding marked a key feature in the way that the conflict is moving in the international arena and the polarisation between Israel and US on the one hand and European allies on the other. “The tense political relations between both Israel and the European Union, and recently between the EU and Washington as well, can also be delineated by religious beliefs,” said the poll’s authors. “Israelis and Americans view Europe as godless and decadent, but for the Brahmins in Brussels, Israel...

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Patrick Armstrong — Why the U.S. Seeks to Hem in Russia, China and Iran

The bitter reality is that U.S. foreign policy has no definable objective other than blocking the initiatives of others because they stand in the way of the further expansion of U.S. global interests. This impoverished strategy reflects Washington’s refusal to accept the passing of its relatively brief post–Cold War moment of unipolar power.There is an error all too common in American public opinion. Personalizing Washington’s regression into the role of spoiler by assigning all blame to...

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F. William Engdahl — Behind the Anglo American War on Russia

Perhaps they had a chance back during the Obama days when Secretary of State Hillary Clinton proposed her amusing “Reset” in USA-Russia relations to the new Medvedew Presidency following Putin’s rotation to the seat of Prime Minister in March 2009. Had Washington been a bit more perceptive and offered serious alternatives, it is conceivable that Washington would today have a geopolitical isolation of their second major problem on the Eurasian Continent, namely, the Peoples’ Republic of...

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