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Mike Norman Economics

Master race? Antisemitism & Jewish identity politics with Tony Greenstein & Gilad Atzmon

Why spend the afternoon watching the latest Hollywood blockbuster when you could be listening to something as interesting as this?Don't get put off by the title, it's a very fair and balanced debate. All are anti-Zionist and pro Jeremy Corbyn.  [embedded content] Master race? Jewish/Israeli identity politics and antisemitism with Gilad Atzmon, Tony Greenstein, Ed Hill and Eddie James What's the difference between Jews, Jewishness and Judaism? Is Gilad Atzmon an antisemite? Is Israel about...

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War is a Racket by Smedley Butler

You've all seen it, I know, but in case you haven't, this is good. An actor plays Smedley Butler giving his famous anti-war speech. Smedly Butler was America's most decorated general at the time of his death, but he spent the last years of his life as a peace campaigner. I don't remember at school anyone ever teaching me about Smedley Butler, and I searched the internet under images and no picture of a statue came up for him. KV [embedded content] War is a Racket by Smedley Butler is a...

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Jay Janson – A Nationalist Faction on Wall St. Challenges the War Faction Which Owns the CIA and Media

It was hard for me to do a concise copy and paste as usual, as every bit is gripping. So this is just a taster. Jay Janson captures everything we say here in one essay. It's pertinent.  KV Boisterous billionaire Republican candidate Donald Trump seemed to have been designated by a forward thinking substantial group of investors to present a demand that government force America's wealth controlling deep-pockets to invest in a United States suffering from neglect, rather than...

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Misión Verdad – Who Is Behind the State Department’s Coup Plot in Venezuela?

Creating a distorted image of the humanitarian crisis is the starting point. Painting a picture of a country on the verge of collapse is the alibi. I'm a liberal (well, I was until the liberals went mad on Russiagate), so I think resources can be shared while still allowing the talented to get rich. For instance, if only the elite class would invest in renewable green energy, and then  one day, probably fairly soon, they could make their fortunes.  But they seem to be lazy and prefer just...

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Paul Craig Roberts – The United States Is The Only Remaining Colonial Power

The United States Is The Only Remaining Colonial Power Paul Craig Roberts is more of a revolutionary than I am, but I think he is just letting off some steam, you see, if the left in Latin America put to death those on the right who committed treason by trying  a coup, the corporate media and Washington would go berserk accusing the leftist governments of being brutal dictatorships, and then Washington would arm the right-wing militia in those countries causing a civil war would break...

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Tucker: An Iran war would destroy Trump’s presidency

Could Trump be talking ultra tough to get a better deal with Iran like he did with North Korea, or could this blow out of control as the military-industrial complex would like as it would be good for sales? [embedded content] Tucker: We are moving toward confrontation with Iran. That should worry everybody, but it should especially concern the president’s supporters. If President Trump decides to go to war with Iran, it will destroy his presidency, just as the Iraq War destroyed the...

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FARAI MAGUWU – The BRICS, Climate Catastrophe, Resource Plunder and Resistance

We're on our own when it comes to the climate and the environment as big money does all the talking. China is developing green energy back at home to try to clean up its environment but is promoting coal fired power power stations in Africa to support its ailing fossil fuel industry which has been affected by China's clean energy regulations. India, which is trying to reduce it's own carbon footprint, is doing the same in Africa too. And Putin has also muscled in on Zimbabwe's dodgy...

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Bill Mitchell — The fundamental realignment of British society via fiscal austerity

In my analysis of the UK fiscal statement that George Osborne released on March 23, 2011 – I don’t wanna know one thing about evil (April 29, 2011) – I noted that the imposition of fiscal austerity in Britain meant that any hope of growth was really dependent on a combination of export growth and household consumption growth. With the former source unlikely and household income growth sluggish (and falling in real terms), households would have to run deficits, which necessitated running...

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