Bias against guaranteed employment plainly evidenced in the report. This from the IG report out this week where FBI Attorney tries to comfort FBI Attorney 2: Trump's supporters are all poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS that think he will magically grant them jobs for doing nothing. The inspector general cited five FBI officials for anti-Trump bias. And that didn't count the 'FBI Employee' who described Trump voters as 'poor to middle class, uneducated, lazy POS.'...
Read More »Pepe Escobar — The key word in the Trump-Kim show
Pepe gets this absolutely correct. Most US-centric analysts have missed the obvious. As I wrote previously, this is about the the US getting out of the way while North and South Korea work on a peace agreement and North Korea opens up to the world economy as China did under Deng. Kim has been wanting to do this for some time, but the US establishment and hardliners in South Korea have been obstacles. Those obstacles are receding under Moon and Trump. Peace in the area is actually in...
Read More »Editorial — The Guardian view on the NHS cash boost: pay for it with deficit spending
Stephanie Kelton figures prominently. Short read.The Guardian — EditorialThe Guardian view on the NHS cash boost: pay for it with deficit spending
Read More »Links — 15 June 2018
Not too much new going on in geopolitics, political economy or economics that is relevant or commentary worth citing.So here are some links of interest for weekend reading and some listening, too.************ It has successfully predicted many particles, including the Higgs Boson, and has led to 55 Nobels so far, but there’s plenty it still can’t account for…. Could the answers to those questions lie in extra dimensions, or string theory, or some other theory that hasn’t even been...
Read More »Fed’s shrinking its balance sheet but Treasury is expanding it balance sheet
You have to understand how the fed and treasury work together to conduct government financing.
Read More »Greg Palast – Ignore A Postcard & Lose Your Vote!
Ohio’s Junk Mail Trick Led Supreme Court to Approve Jim Crow Vote Purge American stands as a beacon to the world for 'freedom, fairness and democracy' we are told, but the Republicans do everything they can to stop the democratic process. The neoliberals, the Western ruling elite, do the same all over the world ensuring that Government by the People, For the People, never occurs. KV [embedded content] Monday’s Supreme Court decision blessing Ohio’s removal of half a million voters was...
Read More »Moon of Alabama — The Real Results Of The Trump-Kim Summit – Freeze For Freeze (And Some Amusement)
Rational assessment of the lead in to the summit, the summit, the outcome, and the aftermath.Moon of AlabamaThe Real Results Of The Trump-Kim Summit - Freeze For Freeze (And Some Amusement) b
Read More »Karl Fitzgerald – US Financial Imperialism – Protected by Academic Propaganda
I absolutely love Michael Hudson! Here he says how many countries in the world are being driven work together because of American aggression, and even many members of the EU want to be rid of their reliance on the dollar standard. He says how the world bank is an arm of the military-industrial complex whose job it is to ensure that third world countries never become self sufficient supplying their own food, etc, but to supply the US market instead.I've never heard Micheal so direct, and he...
Read More »Andre Vltchek: Why Venezuela and Syria Cannot Fall
Despite tremendous hardship which the Venezuelan people are having to face, despite the sanctions and intimidation from abroad, President Nicolás Maduro has won a second six-year term. Two weeks ago, at the Venezuelan embassy in Nairobi, Kenya, where I addressed several leaders of East African left-wing opposition, an acting Charge d’ Affaires, Jose Avila Torres, declared: “People of Venezuela are now facing similar situation as the Syrian people.” True. Both nations, Venezuela and...
Read More »William Lacy Swing — How migrants who send money home have become a global economic force
More people are on the move around the world than ever before. An estimated 258 million people are currently living outside their country of origin. Every migrant chooses to leave home for different reasons, but they all bring their life experiences, knowledge, culture and ambitions with them. As they settle into life in their host countries, they acquire new skills and know-how. And they contribute to their families and communities in their country of origin by sending money home.Financial...
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