Trade between Russia and the United Kingdom is growing despite sanctions, said British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, adding that London is confident on that upward trend. “I’m delighted that trade is increasing in spite of difficulties, in spite of the sanctions regime. We certainly want to see more of that,”Johnson said on Friday after talks with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov in Moscow. “I think we are exporting about five million pounds’ worth to Russia at the moment and it’s...
Read More »Trey Popp — On Simon Patten
History of economics.Michael HudsonOn Simon Patten Trey Popp
Read More »Gavin Kennedy — Lost Legacies Stance of the Invisible Hand Is Endorsed
Weekend reading. Michael Emmett Brady, California State University, published in the Social Science Research Network (SSRN) he takes giant steps to demolishing Samuelson’s myth. Michael Emmett Brady writes the most significant contribution to the invsisible-hand debate since 1948: “Who Taught Paul Samuelson the Myth of the “Invisible Hand” at the University of Chicago? The most likely answer is Jacob Viner or fellow student George Stigler” . Its author takes the invisible-hand debate...
Read More »ALAN NASSER – How Inequality Kills
Poverty leads to increases in drug and alcohol use as well as suicide, but it also increase violent behavior. Some poor people who feel they have low status may find they can gain respect gang culture. If they feel no good at anything - like they failed at school and ended up low paid jobs - they might decide that at least they can be the worse and most notorious, and so by becoming the 'scariest' and the 'bad-est' they feel can get respect that way even if it is a disastrous way to do it. ...
Read More »Brad DeLong — John Maynard Keynes: Essays In Biography
Brad rates this as a should-read. For anyone interested in Keynesianism, Post Keynesianism and MMT, the history of economics, or economic theory, it is a must-read. Conventional economists have apparently concluded that they don't need to read it if they even thought about, which most probably haven't, being under the spell of the "normal paradigm" in spite of its poor results empirically.Washington Center for Equitable GrowthJohn Maynard Keynes: Essays In Biography Brad DeLong Here...
Read More »Lars Syll — If only Trump had read Abba Lerner!
Keeper Lerner quote. I would not limit it to Trump, but extend it to almost the entire economics profession and policy advisers. If they get it wrong, politicians are unlikely to get it right.Lars Syll's BlogIf only Trump had read Abba Lerner! Lars Syll
Read More »Noah Smith — Economists Lose Credibility When They’re Too Certain
They made this mistake by claiming free trade had no downsides. I wouldn't say it is just free trade. This is what happens when ideology trumps scientific rigor, and scientific credibility is used to push a political agenda. Economists appear to fall into this trap often enough to have destroyed their public credibility. It's another form off fake news. As Noah Smith points out, they know better, but do it anyway. Now they and we, are reaping the whirlwind of rabid populism as the...
Read More »Col Wilkerson’s speech 31 Aug 2017
Col. Wilkerson for president, I say. He's a Republican but he sounds like a social democrat. Just listen to the opening of part 2 to see if you're going to like it. [embedded content] [embedded content]
Read More »Kaivey – Epigenetics and Neuroplasticity.
Why Trump has got it wrong (and the Social Darwinists 101) Investing in people will reap in rewards for society and create a wealthier nation.Why working class people are on average just as bright, ambitious, and capable as middle and upper class people. Just give people a good chance in life with a good education, good jobs, and sufficient benefits to help them through hard times and reap the rewards. No underclass, more entrepreneurs, less alcohol and drug problems, less crime, safer...
Read More »Nicholas Carlson – Rich People Talk About How Happy Money Makes Them — What They Say Will Both Offend And Reassure You
If I had the choice of being a world class top physicist or mathematician or being a billionaire I would go for maths or science any day. Bill Binney is awesome! There's an oft-cited study out there that says money does buy you happiness — but only up until a certain point. It says that after you make $75,000 per year, increasing your income is not going to make you any "happier." But the truth about wealth and happiness is more complicated than any study can say. Take the case of Evan...
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