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Mike Norman Economics

Zaida Green – Google hiring 10,000 reviewers to censor YouTube content

We've always been told that the West is the bastion of free speech.  Google is escalating its campaign of internet censorship, announcing that it will expand its workforce of human censors to over 10,000, the internet giant announced on December 4. The censors’ primary focus will be videos and other content on YouTube, its video-sharing platform, but will work across Google to censor content and train its automated systems, which remove videos at a rate four times faster than its human...

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The Holberg Debate 2017: “Propaganda, Facts and Fake News” with J. Assange, J. Pilger & J. Heawood

[embedded content] It's 2:40 long.At the 2017 Holberg Debate, Julian Assange, John Pilger and Jonathan Heawood discussed the presence of propaganda in news and social media, and its democratic implications. About 00:11:00 Julian Assange About 00:56:00 Questions for Julian Assange About 01:19:00 Jonathan Heawood About 01:43:00 John Pilger About 02:17:11 Las Q&A Session Is there an escalating war of information that is threatening our democracy and our ability to make informed...

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Satoshi Nakamoto: The Bitcoin Legend

In 2009  Satoshi Nakamoto put out his research paper on Bitcoin and the software engineers who studied it said it was bullet proof but in 2011 he vanished into thin air saying he had other interests to pursue and his Bitcoin wallet has been untouched ever since and is now worth $4 Billion. Maybe he isn't bothered because he knows that in a few years time it would have doubled, and then later, double again, but I would have thought it would be worth at least cashing in a $Billion of it to...

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Joaquin Flores — OFFICIAL: US and Russian Air Forces engaged in Syria, US acts as ISIS’ air force

And so it begins.Fort RussOFFICIAL: US and Russian Air Forces engaged in Syria, US acts as ISIS' air force Joaquin FloresrelatedMoon of AlabamaSyria - ISIS Is Defeated - The U.S. Is Next In Line bZero HedgeIran's Revolutionary Guard Sends Formal Message To US Military: Leave Syria Or Else Tyler DurdenalsoRussia to classify state procurement information, bypass sanctions KtovKurse - translated by Inessa Sinchougova AlsoDebunking British intelligence propagandist Bellingcat (Elliot...

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How Hayek’s Evolutionary Theory Disproves His Politics — David Sloan Wilson interviews Sam Bowles

As an evolutionist critiquing the field of economics, I felt like a disciplinary outsider until I encountered the work of Friedrich Hayek. The Austrian economist was himself critical of Walrasian general equilibrium theory and proposed a radical alternative: Economic systems are a form of distributed intelligence that evolved by cultural group selection. They work without having been designed by anyone. That was my area of expertise. I had to admire Hayek as a pioneer, especially since...

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Brian Romanchuk — Bitcoin As A Vindication Of Mainstream Monetary Economics!

Say what you want about the backers of Bitcoin, they managed to create a currency unit that acts in the insane fashion that matches the way money works in mainstream economic models. For anyone with any attachment to reality, it offers a very good real world explanation why the DSGE approach to economics is inherently useless. It is an extremely safe bet that this lesson will be completely missed by the mainstream economics profession.... Bond Economics Bitcoin As A Vindication Of...

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Glenn Greenwald — The U.S. Media Yesterday Suffered its Most Humiliating Debacle in Ages: Now Refuses All Transparency Over What Happened

Just a tip of the iceberg. We're all "shocked, shocked, shocked" that the US media would do such a thing. As I tell my many friends who know I watch this stuff, if you can't be sure what is true and what is not, don't believe any of it. The InterceptThe U.S. Media Yesterday Suffered its Most Humiliating Debacle in Ages: Now Refuses All Transparency Over What Happened Glenn GreenwaldSee also Having been on the receiving end of three "fake news" stories in the past week, betwee the ABC...

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Huge rally in European bank stocks

Bank regulatory parameters matter both pro and con... The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision on Dec. 7 issued new rules on how banks estimate the risk of mortgages, loans and other assets. The compromise, reached after fierce lobbying by the industry, will cause “no significant increase” of overall capital requirements, the regulator said. For some big banks, capital demands will actually decline.  The "stability creates instability!" morons don't understand this. Huge rally in...

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