Workers World400,000 workers hit the streets in FranceG. Dunkel
Read More »Brian Romanchuk — How I Would Analyse A Job Guarantee
The Job Guarantee proposal is a core part of the policy analysis of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). If implemented, it would be expected to cause a structural change in the economic structure, and so analysis techniques that extrapolate current conditions would be inapplicable. Although this analysis is aimed at the Job Guarantee, the basic principles would be applicable for other measures that cause a structural change in the labour market, such as the Universal Basic Income. (In fact, it's...
Read More »Ian Greenhalgh – Trump to Allow Release of Classified JFK Assassination Files
Veterans Today Editorial [Editor’s note: I am pretty sure there will be nothing of any great importance or consequence exposed by the release of these files. Rather, this is a cynical attempt to paint Trump as being, in some way, ‘anti-establishment’ and opposed to the so-called ‘Deep State’. Of course, nothing could be further from the truth, he is completely and utterly a puppet of precisely the same ‘Deep State’ that played a key role in the murder of JFK and has been running the US ever...
Read More »Again, Gov’t Forces Discover Israeli Arms at ISIL Positions in Eastern Syria
The Syrian Army soldiers have found a large volume of Israel-made arms and ammunition in ISIL positions in the newly-liberated town of Al-Mayadeen in Southeastern Deir Ezzur, field sources revealed on Friday. The Arabic-language Elam al-Harbi quoted a commander of the army as saying that the Syrian army soldiers discovered a large volume of heavy and semi-heavy arms and ammunition, a part of them made in Israel, while carrying out mop-up operation in regions that were under...
Read More »Bill Mitchell and Thomas Fazi — Everything You Know About Neoliberalism Is Wrong
Some falsely assume that as a result of neoliberal globalization the national state has largely been superseded by transnational capitalism to the degree that national sovereignty no long matters very much. International liberals think that this is a good thing, since competition among nation states has led to conflicts and conflagration.Bill Mitchell and Thomas Fazi argue otherwise. What has taken place rather is state capture. ...core capitalist countries have not been characterised by a...
Read More »Raúl Ilargi Meijer — Is Capitalism Dead or Merely Dying?
Maldistribution. Symptom or cause? A market ideology that causes widespread misery has no future. The Automatic EarthIs Capitalism Dead or Merely Dying? Raúl Ilargi Meijer The transition from the age of hunting-gathering to the agricultural age wrought a drastic social, political l and economic transformation, as did the transition from the agricultural age to the industrial age. So it can be safely assumed that the transition from the industrial age to the information age will also...
Read More »Peter Cooper — On Estimating the Monetary Expression of Labor Time in a Temporal Framework
When Marx’s theory of value is interpreted in a simultaneist way, it is relatively easy to calculate the ‘monetary expression of labor time’ (or MELT).... There is an additional complication when it comes to measuring the temporal MELT. The temporal MELT is the appropriate measure if Marx’s theory of value is interpreted in a temporal way (as in the ‘temporal single-system interpretation’ or TSSI).... Wonkish. heteconomistOn Estimating the Monetary Expression of Labor Time in a Temporal...
Read More »Brad DeLong — Ricardo’s Big Idea, and Its Vicissitudes
Brad DeLong shows how Ricardo's version of economic liberalism based on free trade explained by comparative advantage is bourgeois liberalism that enriches the ownership class. Washington Center for Equitable Growth Ricardo’s Big Idea, and Its Vicissitudes Brad DeLong | Professor of Economics at the University of California, Berkeley
Read More »Think you’re having a bad week?
LOL: There is no universe in which this would be considered responsible. — (@BudgetHawks) October 21, 2017 “There was a time not long ago when many congressional Republicans demanded a budget that balanced within 10 years.” — (@BudgetHawks) October 21, 2017 "The Senate GOP has turned away from this goal, sprinting in the other direction..." — (@BudgetHawks) October 20, 2017 "Some will...
Read More »Zero Hedge — Forget ISIS, “Government Corruption” Tops Americans’ Biggest Fears
Zero HedgeForget ISIS, "Government Corruption" Tops Americans' Biggest Fears Tyler Durden
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