Neo-McCarthyism flourishes. An NGO called the European Values Think-Tank has published a report on RT featuring an extensive list of US and European public figures who have been accused of “undermining western democracy” just by appearing in RT shows.The report, claiming to be an “overview of RT’s editorial strategy and evidence of impact,” comes with an Excel list of 2,327 people who have appeared on RT over the last four years. The names are carefully arranged in seven categories,...
Read More »Mike Whitney — John Brennan’s Police State USA
John Brennan in the spotlight again. This is a deliberate mischaracterization of what Brennan was actually doing. He was spying on the members of the rival party to gain a political advantage. This is how police state operates. Whatever the facts, and there are very few reliable facts based on evidence on the table so far, it's clear that Russiagate is political. According to a recent CBS Poll, a majority of Americans (57%) now believe that “Russia tried to interfere in the 2016...
Read More »Leonid Bershidsky — A Russian Take on ‘The Americans’ Scares Moscow Liberals: The political conversation in Putin’s Russia increasingly revolves around cinematic versions of reality.
Another funny one. Russian cinema copies Hollywood in demonizing the adversary. Hollywood has been ding this for decades with ample assistance from the Pentagon and CIA.Bloomberg ViewA Russian Take on ‘The Americans’ Scares Moscow Liberals: The political conversation in Putin’s Russia increasingly revolves around cinematic versions of reality. Leonid Bershidsky US military intelligence agencies have influenced over 1,800 movies and TV shows InsurgeIntelligenceDocuments expose how Hollywood...
Read More »What is the Atlantic Council? – Tony Cartalucci Atlantic Council: Is Libya a “Global Con?”
Some shocking stuff here. This report gives an insight into to shadowy world of NATO, the CIA the Atlantic Council, the big banks, and how the West supports international terrorism. The Atlantic Council claims to be a "preeminent, non partisan institution devoted to promoting transatlantic cooperation and international security." It is partnered with NATO and sponsored financially by some of Wall Street and London's largest, most powerful corporate-financier interests. These include many of...
Read More »Paul Craig Roberts – The Atlantic Council: The Marketing Arm of the Military/Security Complex
PCR explains some of the shadowy practices of the Atlantic Council stirring up the Cold War to drive up arm sales in Europe for its Military-Industrial banking backers and then he ends with this:Money corrupts everything, and it is capitalism that turns everything into a commodity that is bought and sold. In capitalist regimes everything is for sale: honor, integrity, justice, truth. Everything is reduced to the filthy lucre. Paul Craig Roberts - The Atlantic Council: The Marketing Arm of...
Read More »The Saker — Re-Visiting Russian Counter-Propaganda Method
In May of 2016 I wrote an article for the Unz Review entitled “Counter-Propaganda, Russian Style” in which I tried to show the immense difference between the old, Soviet, approach to propaganda and counter-propaganda and the approach taken by the Russian authorities today. The main difference was this: if the Soviet went out of their way to prevent western propaganda from reaching the Soviet people, the Russians are nowadays doing the exact opposite: they are going out of their way to make...
Read More »RussiaFeed — Vladimir Putin SLAMS the US for its past, present and likely future
Previously, Putin has generally sounded conciliatory. Now the gloves are coming off? Russian President Vladimir Putin has offered one of his most wide reaching criticisms of the United States to-date, during his Q and A session at the Valdai Discussion Club in Sochi. Putin described a worsening Moscow-Washington relationship that dates back to the 1990s when an ‘untrustworthy’ west took advantage of Russia’s weak leadership in the age of Yeltsin, Gaidar and Chubais.... “Our biggest...
Read More »RT — Top Russian senator expects US will exert ‘unprecedented pressure’ to influence Russian presidential polls
The other side of the story. The Chair of Russia’s Foreign Affairs Committee expects that the US will seek to influence the country’s presidential election next year, saying Washington will only settle for victory by a pro-Western candidate. “The United States recognizes elections as fair and democratic only when they are won by pro-western candidates,” Senator Konstantin Kosachev wrote on his Facebook page on Friday. “In the case of any other outcome, election procedures and results are...
Read More »Cass R. Sunstein — Russia Is Using Marxist Strategies, and So Is Trump
Samantha Powers' husband goes off his rocker too, assuming he believes what he says rather than just putting out straight up propaganda. Have a good laugh. Red-baiting is bad and POTUS is one of the objects of it, along with Volodya of course.BloombergRussia Is Using Marxist Strategies, and So Is Trump Cass R. Sunstein | Robert Walmsley University Professor at Harvard Law School
Read More »Gordon M. Hahn — Explaining the Failed Expectations of Russian Regime Change, Part 1: Rusological Apocalypticism Versus Social Science
This article is the first in a trilogy examining how the West’s biases and wishful thinking have led to unrealistic and unmet expectations of imminent regime collapse in Russia. I follow this stuff and am gobsmacked at how Western liberal "experts" generalize their own worldview in analysis. It's not only Russia, but everything, and it is not only political and military analysts, but included most experts on just a bout everything.This is a consequence of assuming that liberalism is the...
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