French journalist Christelle Néant decided to checke out the situation in eastern Ukraine for herself to discover who is telling the truth. Here she reports back.Fort Russ"Fed up with the mainstream press, this Frenchwoman went to Donbass to see for herself" Sputnik France Translated by Tom Winter
Read More »William R. Polk — On the Brink of Nuclear War (Korea Part 2)
In the first part of this essay, I gave my interpretation of the background of the current confrontation in Korea. I argued that, while the past is the mother of the present, it has several fathers. What I remember is not necessarily what you remember; so, in this sense, the present also shapes or reshapes the past. In my experience as a policy planner, I found that only by taking note of the perception of events as they are differently held by the participants could one understand or...
Read More »Publius Tacitus — The So-called Russian Hack of the DNC Does Not Make Sense
Notwithstanding the conventional wisdom that Russia hacked into the DNC computers, downloaded emails and a passed the stolen missives to Julian Assange's crew at Wikileaks, a careful examination of the timeline of events from 2016 shows that this story is simply not plausible. Let me take you through the known facts: Sic Semper Tyrannis The So-called Russian Hack of the DNC Does Not Make Sense Publius Tacitus
Read More »Pepe Escobar — Why Jihadism Won’t Be Allowed to Die
Geopolitics and geostrategy.Russia InsiderWhy Jihadism Won’t Be Allowed to Die Pepe Escobar
Read More »DAPL Company Levels RICO Charges Against Greenpeace — Dimitri Lascaris interviews Greenpeace USA General Counsel Thomas Wetterer
Upping the ante in the environmental wars.TRNNDAPL Company Levels RICO Charges Against GreenpeaceDimitri Lascaris interviews Greenpeace USA General Counsel Thomas Wetterer
Read More »Gabriel Popkin — Bacteria Use Brainlike Bursts of Electricity to Communicate
With electrical signals, cells can organize themselves into complex societies and negotiate with other colonies. Quanta MagazineBacteria Use Brainlike Bursts of Electricity to Communicate Gabriel Popkin
Read More »Thomas H. Greco, Jr — The decay of western civilization
It's impossible to hold back the march of time and the working out of the historical dialectic, the moments of which culminate in excess and reaction to it. Beyond Money | Devoted to the liberation of money and credit, and the restoration of the commonsThe decay of western civilization Thomas H. Greco, Jr.
Read More »How China became a market economy–Review of Julian Gewirtz’s “Unlikely Partners”
A view of the development of market socialism with Chinese characteristics. Julian Gewirtrz’s “Unlikely Partners” charts, with an extraordinary attention to detail, these world-historic decisions and focuses on the role that foreign economists played in these early stages of China’s transformation. But while the declared focus of the book is on the foreign-to-Chinese interaction and cooperation, with the high point (extremely well described) being a week-long cruise-seminar in August 1985...
Read More »Alison F. Takemura — Two sciences tie the knot
A new major combining computer science and economics will prepare students for designing the virtual marketplaces of the future.… Starting in the fall of 2017, the two academic departments will offer a joint major — Course 6-14: Computer Science, Economics, and Data Science — because elements of the two fields have become, well, inseparable. The new major aims to prepare students to think at the nexus of economics and computer science, so they can understand and design the kinds of systems...
Read More »John Helmer — Beggared for Choice – the History of Russia’s 1917 Revolutions as Guide to What Happens Next
Short review of Stephen Smith's Russia in Revolution, An Empire in Crisis, 1890-1928. Conclusion. Since the new war against Russia began in 2014, it has been the foreign plan that if enough pain is inflicted on the Russian people economically, especially their businessmen, they will rebel against their leaders in the Kremlin. Combined with economic warfare and fighting on the Syrian and Ukrainian fronts, the plan also calls for a home-front campaign against the corruption of Russian...
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