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Mike Norman Economics

Dara Lind — The real reason Trump pardoned Joe Arpaio

Both Trump and Arpaio believe that maintaining “law and order” is more important than adhering to the technicalities of actual law. This is known as the difference between the rule of law and the rule by men. Go figure where this leads. If you came up with authority rather than liberty, you would be right. VOX The real reason Trump pardoned Joe Arpaio Dara Lind UPITrump pardons former Maricopa County Sheriff Arpaio Danielle Haynes

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Zero Hedge — Angry Marine Who Discovered Awan’s “Smashed Hard Drives” Breaks Silence, Unloads On Wasserman Schulz

Andre Taggart, the U.S. Marine who alerted the FBI when he moved into a house he rented from Imran Awan only to find a garage full of "smashed hard drives", has decided to reveal his identity in a stinging, at least for Debbie Wasserman Schultz, new interview with the Daily Caller. Taggart, a black U.S. Marine who says he typically votes Democrat, is apparently fed up with Debbie Wasserman Schultz's Islamophobia smoke screen which he views as just a dishonest attempt to shield the Awans...

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Alfred W. McCoy — The CIA and Me: How I Learned Not to Love Big Brother

In 2010, almost a decade into this secret war with its voracious appetite for information, the Washington Post reported that the national security state had swelled into a “fourth branch” of the federal government — with 854,000 vetted officials, 263 security organizations, and over 3,000 intelligence units, issuing 50,000 special reports every year. Though stunning, these statistics only skimmed the visible surface of what had become history’s largest and most lethal clandestine...

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Sputnik — Collateral Damage: Hamilton 68 Sows Discord Among US Media

In an article titled "Breitbart, other 'alt-right' websites are the darlings of Russian propaganda effort" published on August 24, USA Today stated that the most popular domains mentioned by a "Russian propaganda Twitter network" during the previous 48 hours included "True Pundit, the Russian government-controlled television network RT, the Gateway Pundit, Fox News, Russian government news agency Sputnik News and Breitbart."USA Today also argued that on that day the aforementioned websites...

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Zero Hedge — Senate Declares War On Assange

Realizing the gravity of the situation of becoming a persona non grata to the US government (and CIA), Assange then siad that “it is an interesting thought experiment to consider where other media outlets lay on this spectrum. It is clear that if the 'Pompeo doctrine' applies to WikiLeaks then it applies equally if not more so to other serious outlets." Outlawing dissent while privileging official propaganda transmitted via compliant media. The road to tyranny leads through the US deep...

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Marx’s “Capital” at 150: History in Capital, Capital in History

Today a new generation, experiencing major capitalist crises, increasingly concerned about its prospects and rising inequality, is powering radical movements in the homelands of capitalism behind figures and forces such as Sanders, Corbyn, Mélanchon, Die Linke, Podemos and Cinque Stelle. Will it bring Capital back into the history of these countries? Not before the burden of western misinterpretation that has accumulated over it for a century and a half, nearly crushing it, is removed. That...

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RT — Cambodian PM calls US democracy ‘bloody & brutal’ in row over USAID-funded NGO

Political tensions have been rising between Phnom Penh and Washington, after Cambodia ordered a USAID-supported organization to halt its activity in the country. The Asian nation says it is defending its sovereignty, while Washington questioned its democracy.In the latest development to the worsening dispute between the two nations, Cambodia's long-ruling leader, Prime Minister Hun Sen, accused Washington of interference in his country's domestic affairs. "We wish to send a clear message...

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