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Mike Norman Economics

Modern Money Consensus Carlos García Hernández

On the Washington Consensus as foreign policy based on neoliberal economic policy, which became the basis for Post WW II  neo-imperialism and neocolonialism. That policy was subsequently adopted domestically, making neoliberalism a global phenomenon that still infects the world system negatively, resulting in growing income and wealth inequality.The way to combat this pernicious framework lies through applying an MMT-based lens to reframe the assumptions, eliminating the false and replacing...

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President Biden’s budget shows what true “fiscal responsibility” means: Pushing the economy closer to full employment, reducing inequality, and measuring the debt burden more accurately — Josh Bivens

Pivoting left. The right cries, "socialism, Marxism, communism." Sound money people see imminent hyperinflation and dollar devaluation.EPI President Biden’s budget shows what true “fiscal responsibility” means: Pushing the economy closer to full employment, reducing inequality, and measuring the debt burden more accuratelyJosh Bivens, director of research

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The history – and future – of American capitalism — Diane Coyle

Reading Jonathan Levy’s Ages of American Capitalism: A History of the United States has been quite a commitment: over 700 pages of text, plus notes, in hardback. The sheer weight militated against my taking in the grand sweep if its ambition, as I had to read it sitting at home propped on cushions. Nevertheless, it was well worth it.As the title suggests, the account is organised into different ages: commerce (early days from late 17th century, and the role of slavery); capital (post Civil...

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Happy Memorial Day weekend! Mine’s gonna be a washout.

NY weather. Ugh. But it was a good week for the markets even with lots of inflation and "printing money" nonsense flying around. Trade and invest using the concepts of MMT. Get a 30-day free trial to MMT Trader. Download my podcasts! New one every week. Mike Norman Twitter Mike Norman Economics:

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Geopolitics Links — 28 May 2021

BelarusMoon of Alabama (staying up to date)Ryanair Incident - Email Warning Received Before Plane Entered Belorussian AirspaceIrrussianality (a voice of reason)More Thoughts on BelarusPaul Robinson | Professor, Graduate School of Public and International Affairs at the University of OttawaTASS ((Russian state media)Integration of Russia, Belarus should not be rushed, Putin saysChinaThe Intercept (transnational global capitalism]Anti-China Trade Bill Is Big Boost for Big TechRyan GrimSputnik...

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Market dirigisme — Steve Randy Waldman

Market dirigisme is the name I give to a style of public policy I think we ought to use more. The idea is pretty simple. Governments form preferences over how the polity ought to be but currently is not. Often, what governments should do is to explicitly purchase the changes in behavior they desire from the general public.... InterfluidityMarket dirigismeSteve Randy Waldman

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