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Mike Norman Economics

Links — 24 March 2021

India PunchlineRussia, China to resist US but engagement is preferred optionM. K. Bhadrakumar | retired diplomat with the Indian Foreign ServiceSputnik InternationalChinese FM Spokeswoman Roasts Western Human Rights 'Judges' Amid Sanctions, Souring Diplomatic Ties[Chinese] Netizens Hail Chinese Envoy's France PushbackAustria Warns of 'Rift' in EU Over Possible Emergence of 'Second-Class Countries'YouGov Poll Reveals 54% of Respondents Consider Russia Most Trusted Vaccine Producer, RDIF...

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Bill Mitchell — JobMaker equals JobFaker – barely an actual job in sight

It is Wednesday and so my light blog writing day today. A few interesting things have come up today and yesterday which will promote further research. Also Week 4 of our edX MOOC – Modern Monetary Theory: Economics for the 21st Century got underway today so there is lots of new content and discussions to check out. The most important revelation in a week of shocking news from the Australian government that illustrates their incompetence was the fact that a job scheme that was meant to have...

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Swan Vestas Advert 80’s -The Art of Marketing

 I was brought up in a working class family, and we were taught to share, not to be selfish, and that being greedy was bad. Then the Conservatives came along in the 1970's and said that being selfish and greedy was good. How did the party of 'family values' get at away with this?The elite were extra greedy, so they got the economists to say this was especially good, and great for everyone else too. Marketing and propaganda was used sell it while pay and working conditions plummeted, and jobs...

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PROJECT VERITAS EXPOSES IMMIGRATION CRISIS – Steve Hilton, Alejandro Mayorkas, The Truth

 James O'Keefe with Project Veritas and PragerU has done it again!! He released leaked photos today of the immigration "camp" in Donna, Texas. They are worse than anyone can imagine. In the photos you see hundreds of immigrates of all ages laying shoulder to shoulder on the floor wrapped in foil blankets. It has been reported that there are upwards of 3,300 immigrates being processed and released into the United States at this location alone. O'Keefe also captures vans and buses leaving the...

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Bond yields coming down. Price increases set to moderate.

Like I told you: bond yields would come down and price increases based on supply disruptions due to Covid would moderate. Trade and invest using the concepts of MMT. Get a 30-day free trial to MMT Trader. Download my podcasts! New one every week. Mike Norman Twitter

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Links — 23 March 2021

RTSidney Powell says ‘no reasonable person’ would take her election fraud claims as fact as she seeks to toss $1.3bn Dominion suitMERICS Press releaseStatement on the sanctions imposed by China that also affect MERICSChristine KrügerResponsible StatecraftWe have no intention of fighting Russia so stop arming Ukraine for battleAnatol Lieven | professor of government at Georgetown University in QatarThe Vineyard of the SakerSino-US Dialogue in Alaska: Outcomes.Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan,...

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Canadian Economist Dispels 4 Myths About Socialism — Radhika Desai

“The word ‘socialism’ sounds very scary to many people,” said Canadian political economist Radhika Desai in a recent interview. “Because of the propaganda against the idea of socialism, we’ve been made to fear socialism,” she added....Interesting but lacks a systems view, so the analysis is limited to "myth-busting" by attacking straw man arguments.Internationalist 360ºCanadian Economist Dispels 4 Myths About SocialismRadhika Desai | professor with the Department of Political Studies at...

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Bill Mitchell — RBA shows who is in charge as the speculators are outwitted

While progressive-sort-of politicians, at least they say they are progressive, work out all the ways they can parrot mainstream macroeconomics textbooks about fiscal deficits and public debt to make themselves appear ‘credible’, even using credibility in the title of key fiscal rules they advocate, the world passes them by rather quickly. British Labour is crippled by, among other things like Europe, their belief that the City (finance) is powerful and the state has to appease the interests...

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Boxed In On China — Stephen S. Roach

Trapped in a groundswell of anti-China sentiment, US President Joe Biden’s team appears to be staying the course set by the previous administration. A better way would be for both sides to go back to basics – the economics and trade issues that have long anchored the US-China relationship.Poisoned relationship. There is more to it, however. A big reason for the Chinese sentiment other than the constant propaganda in the media and from politician is the precariousness of the middle class and...

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