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Mike Norman Economics

Reform of What? — Peter Radford

Technological disruption as the world enters the digital age is taking place in a way that is similar to the disruption that occurred in the transition from feudalism to capitalism and the transition from the agricultural age to the industrial age. While that transition was eventually completed, the process was painful for many. Are we now facing a repeat? What are the social and political implications of the shifting economic landscape?The Radford Free PressReform of What?Peter Radford See...

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What does it mean to "finance" a trade or current account deficit?

The very fact that a trade deficit exists is proof that it has been financed. And vice-versa. Trade surpluses are evidence of being a creditor. Trade and invest using the concepts of MMT. Get a 30-day free trial to MMT Trader. Download my podcasts! New one every week. Mike Norman Twitter

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The Post-Target Paradigm: Analyzing China Just Got Harder but More Interesting — Damien Ma

Abandoning specific numerical targets, Chinese economic policy enters uncharted territory.But Xi has made it rather clear that he doesn’t intend to run China like a corporation, instead preoccupying his first two terms with imposing longer-term thinking—for example by consistently touting the “two centenary goals.”...Macro Polo — Paulson InstituteThe Post-Target Paradigm: Analyzing China Just Got Harder but More InterestingDamien MaPaulson Institute is an independent institute at the...

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Links — 22 March 2021

India PunchlineTalks in Alaska can be transformative for US-China tiesM. K. Bhadrakumar | retired diplomat with the Indian Foreign ServiceTom DispatchWashington’s Delusion of Endless World DominionAlfred McCoyCounterpunchChina and the Perils of Bi-PartisanshipJohn FefferTeam Biden: Diplomatic and Strategic Failure (right out of the gate)Melvin GoodmanZero HedgeUS Hits China With Human Rights Sanctions In Major Joint Action With Western AlliesChina Retaliates After EU Sanctions CCP Over...

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Ten years on, Syria is almost destroyed. Who’s to blame? — M. K. Bhadrakumar

In George Orwell’s novel Animal Farm, the ruling pigs led by Napoleon constantly rewrote history in order to justify and reinforce their own continuing power. The rewriting by the western powers of the history of the ongoing conflict in Syria leaps out of Orwell....Historical backgrounder.India PunchlineTen years on, Syria is almost destroyed. Who’s to blame?M. K. Bhadrakumar | retired diplomat with the Indian Foreign Service

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Jack Ma is not the problem — Li Xuran

Excellent analysis of capitalism with Chinese characteristicsIt is about the opportunities, challenges and dangers that capitalism entails, and how to deal with these issues in a developing socialist country. There is little or no development outside of capitalism but unbridled capitalism will take over everything and eventually run amok. The Chinese leadership understands this, and the example of the West stands as a warning, showing the pitfalls to avoid without throwing the baby out with...

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Book Concept: Inflation Primer — Brian Romanchuk

If we ask the question "What do we know for sure about inflation?", my initial reaction was to believe that there would not be much to discuss, given the complexity of the topic. However, given the disinformation that has been vomited all over the internet about inflation in the past decades, there is a certain amount of common beliefs about inflation that are completely and hilariously wrong. Debunking them gives the book a bit of an interesting hook, although I will include some...

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Bill Mitchell — More privatisation myopia

Australia was established a federation in 1901 after being a collection of colonies after the British consficated the land space from the indigenous population that had been here for more than 30,000 years. In 1916, the Australian government as one of the important early initiatives in establishing Australia as a nation under white rule created the – Commonwealth Serum Laboratories – as a national manufacturer of vaccines. Its early priorities was to produce antivenom to deal with snake...

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