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Mike Norman Economics

Liz Cheney’s ‘political capital has risen significantly’ after blaming Trump for riot, colleague says — Tim O’Donnell

Theyyy're baaack!The WeekLiz Cheney's 'political capital has risen significantly' after blaming Trump for riot, colleague saysTim O'DonnellNot so fast.Daily KosLindsey Graham harassed at airport: called "traitor" and "garbage human being" by pro-TrumpersWalter EinenkelAlsoAin't over yet.VOXThe online far right is angry, exultant, and ready for moreJerusalem DemsasAvoiding the schism.BuzzFeedRepublicans Are Calling For “Unity” After They Voted To Try To Overturn The Election Following The...

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Steve Bannon’s podcast channel now banished from YouTube after repeated election falsehoods — Meaghan Ellis

Google brings down the hammer.AlterNetSteve Bannon's podcast channel now banished from YouTube after repeated election falsehoodsMeaghan EllisMoreVOXTwitter purged thousands of QAnon-spreading accounts, including some of the conspiracy’s most prominent backersKatelyn Burns AlsoZHParler Faces Extinction As Amazon Employees Demand AWS Stop Hosting

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Biden’s Ukrainegate Problem — Gerald Sussman

Refresher.Oleh Tyahnybok was the leader of the (allegedly neo-Nazi) Freedom (Svoboda) Party in the Ukraine.Joe Biden was not alone in this association with the Far Right.As McCain took to the stage to encourage the Ukrainian protesters with promises of American support, he was greeted and flanked by Tyahnybok, the leader of Svoboda, which recently gained 38 seats in the Ukrainian Parliament. Svoboda is one of a number of Ukrainian far-right parties, and has ties to other "nationalist"...

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Beyond Capitol riot, Trump voter fraud claims leave their mark — Joseph Stepansky

United States election officials say ‘unprecedented’ spread of misinformation has eroded trust in voting system.The objective in creating doubt about elections is enhancing voter suppression, a chief tactic at least since the Civil War. This is not say there was no voter fraud in the past, or that both parties were not involved to some degree. Some Democratic-controlled cities were notorious, for instance at the same time that Jim Crow was prevalent in the former slave states. Al...

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Real Progressives founder, Steve Grumbine, tested positive for Covid-19 last week. Now hospitalized. — GoFundMe

Real Progressives founder, Steve Grumbine, tested positive for Covid-19 last week. He quarantined and did the best he could to treat his symptoms at home, but was unable to keep it at bay. He is now in the hospital undergoing treatment which is likely to keep him there for 10 days. We all know that is not an inexpensive stay here in the US of A.The scariest part is that Steve is one of the millions of people in this country who are underinsured. He works as a contract employee, so he has...

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