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Mike Norman Economics

The amateurs got fooled today.

The amateurs panicked and sold. I could see them a mile away so taking their money is easy. Trade and invest using the concepts of MMT. Get a 30-day free trial to MMT Trader. Download my podcasts! New one every week. Mike Norman Twitter

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Fiscal Dominance As Obfuscation — Brian Romanchuk

One phrase that keeps being used by mainstream economists is "fiscal dominance." This is a fuzzy term that is being used to express disapproval but yet appearing to be a neutral technical term. However, the simplest way to view the discussion is that neoclassical economics was ambushed by reality, and that they are hiding behind jargon to distract from this....Bond Economics Fiscal Dominance As ObfuscationBrian Romanchuk

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The CIA Is Running Death Squads in Afghanistan

 Reports of atrocities supported by the American intelligence agency underscore the need to end America’s longest war.Trump wanted to bring the troops home, so his administration loosened the rules of war and sent in the CIA to set up Afghan paramilitary units to subdue the Taliban. A report in The Intercept, written by reporter Andrew Quilty, documents the horrifying consequences of this policy: Afghan paramilitary units, known as 01 and 02, have acted as death squads, launching raids...

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Deglobalisation in the context of United States-China decoupling — Alicia García-Herrero and Junyun Tan

Overall, it is too early to confirm the depth and the sustainability of the current wave of deglobalisation, but an increasing number of signals suggest a trend of deglobalisation is underway.Bruegel Deglobalisation in the context of United States-China decouplingAlicia García-Herrero and Junyun TanSee alsoSputnikUS Commerce Department Lists 103 Russian, Chinese Companies With Alleged Military TiesMintPressNewsTrump Enacts Sweeping New Sanctions on China, Iran, Venezuela. Biden Promises More...

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The Arctic Ocean Is a Russian Lake — Patrick Armstrong

Backgrounder.Russia ObserverTHE ARCTIC OCEAN IS A RUSSIAN LAKEPatrick ArmstrongSee alsoTASSMoscow presumes that US under Biden to regard Russia as an adversary, says ambassadorTASSPutin signs decree to transform Northern Fleet into military districtTASSPutin says Army’s provision with advanced weapons guarantees Russia’s securityTASSAI use in controlling weaponry in future will largely determine battle outcome — PutinTASSPutin instructs to focus on developing all components of nuclear...

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So WE do mRNA now of course THEY have to do mRNA... they are not spies and hackers and “strategic adversaries!”....  they are deranged stalker USD zombies...  get a life already...China’s First-Ever mRNA #COVID19 Jab Plant Breaks Ground— Yicai Global 第一财经 (@yicaichina) December 21, 2020

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China Ex-Minister Sees Curbing of Fintech, Bank Tie-Ups: Report Bloomberg News

China is getting a grip on its financial centre before it's too late. China should consider further tightening control over fintech giants by restricting the number of banks they can partner with, the Securities Times cited a former finance minister as saying.Lou said China needs to prevent a “winner-takes-all” and “too-big-to-fail” situation in fintech, according to the report. He joined a chorus of voices from the nation’s top financial regulators vowing to step up oversight over the...

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