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Mike Norman Economics

Janet Yellen’s Cash Haul of $7 Million Is Just the Tip of the Iceberg; She Failed to Report Her Wall Street Speaking Fees from JPMorgan and Others in 2018 — Pam and Russ Martens

Yellen is Biden’s nominee for U.S. Treasury Secretary. In anticipation of her Senate confirmation hearing, she has released her financial disclosure forms which showed a windfall of more than $7 million in speaking fees since she left her position with the Federal Reserve. The bulk of that money came from Wall Street firms, which are variously regulated and bailed out by the Fed.Our question for Yellen is an uncomfortable one: why did her financial disclosure form report her cash haul from...

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econintersect — Meteorologist Says Licking Icicles Is Like Eating Poop

Public service announcement.“You’re eating poop!” Meteorologist Katie Nickoloau responded to the many TikTok videos she saw with people munching on icicles with a warning video of her own. She reminds people that icicles that form off of roofs also include whatever is on the roof like bird poop....econintersect.comMeteorologist Says Licking Icicles Is Like Eating Poop

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RT — North Korea’s Kim admits economic failure at party congress, blames ‘a series of the worst of worst unprecedented crises’

Speaking at the ruling party’s first congress since 2016, Kim Jong-un says his economic development plan fell "greatly short" of its goals, as North Korea struggled with natural disasters, sanctions, and the Covid-19 pandemic.“Our five-year economic development plan has fallen greatly short of its goals in almost all sectors”, the North Korean leader admitted on Tuesday, during the opening of the first congress of the ruling Workers’ Party since 2016 in the capital Pyongyang.At a party...

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How Tibetan Monks Use Meditation to Raise Their Peripheral Body Temperature 16-17 Degrees — Josh Jones

Benson’s research became a 20-year project of studying tummo and other advanced techniques while he also taught at the Harvard Medical School and served as president of the Mind/Body Medical Institute in Boston, where he believes the study of meditation can “uncover capacities that will help us to better treat stress-related illnesses.” The claims of monks who practice tummo have been substantiated in Benson’s work, showing, he says, “what advanced forms of meditation can do to help the mind...

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The International Spillover of U.S. Monetary Policy via Global Production Linkages — Julian di Giovanni

The recent era of globalization has witnessed growing cross-country trade integration as firms’ production chains have spread across the world, and with stock market returns becoming more correlated across countries. While research has predominantly focused on how financial integration impacts the propagation of shocks across international financial markets, trade also influences these cross-border spillovers. In particular, one important aspect, highlighted by the recent work of di Giovanni...

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Fed — Distribution of Household Wealth in the U.S. since 1989

In 1989, the top 1% owned 4.81 % of household wealth and the bottom 50% held 0.76%. In Q3 2020 (latest), the top 1% owned 36.18% and the bottom 50% owned 2.36%The middle is shrinking relatively to the top. The bottom 50% is "doing much better." (snark)Federal Reserve Board of GovernorsDistributional Financial Accounts Distribution of Household Wealth in the U.S. since 1989See alsoStrategic Culture FoundationAmerica’s Richest 1% Owned 5% in 1990, Own 36% TodayEric Zuesse

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NYT editor described columnists as ““people who are paid to have very, very strong convictions, and to believe that they’re right.” — Andrew Gelman

Fact-check opinion pieces? No time, no resources, no problem.And this is the US "paper of record"?Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social ScienceNYT editor described columnists as ““people who are paid to have very, very strong convictions, and to believe that they’re right.”Andrew Gelman | Professor of Statistics and Political Science and Director of the Applied Statistics Center, Columbia University

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21-Year-Old [Female] College Student Elected Mayor Of Kerala Capital — Sneha Mary Koshy and Arun Nair

Signs of the times. India has had women leaders previously (Indira Gandhi), but this combines age and gender dramatically. Even though she was too young to vote in previous elections, she has been a longtime activist.NDTV (India)21-Year-Old [Female] College Student Elected Mayor Of Kerala CapitalReported by Sneha Mary Koshy, Edited by Arun Nair

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