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Mike Norman Economics

Journey to Hogwarts ASMR (Harry Potter)

 Scientists discovered the Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR), where tiny sounds, like tapping beads and glass, whispers, rustling paper, flicking your fingers, etc, can trigger a relaxation response. Then alternative health practioners started making ASMR videos by whispering, rustling paper, and playing with glass beads, but they weren't very effective.When I was 14 years old our music teacher played to the class some white noise which I thought sounded horrible, but few years...

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Understanding mRNA Vaccines

Link at CDC.  Short. New Approach to VaccinesmRNA vaccines are a new type of vaccine to protect against infectious diseases. To trigger an immune response, many vaccines put a weakened or inactivated germ into our bodies. Not mRNA vaccines. Instead, they teach our cells how to make a protein—or even just a piece of a protein—that triggers an immune response inside our bodies. That immune response, which produces antibodies, is what protects us from getting infected if the real virus enters...

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Apple moving iPad production from China to Vietnam for the first time ever, reports say — James Crump

So much for jobs coming back to the US. And Indonesia has even come online line as far as cheap labor goes. And in the background are Latin America and Africa.I don't see "capitalism" being transformed into something that is clearly not "capitalism" before the whole world is developed economically. Of course, there are many varieties of capitalism in addition to classical economic liberalism and contemporary neoliberalism, and neoliberalism is beginning to collapse of its own weight.The...

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Making America ungovernable — Richard Heinberg

Collapse watch. Some on energy, some on social, political and economic factors. Cites Peter Turchin's research on the coming age of discord. Not much new, but he brings it together to paint a picture of what is likely to come: Tough challenges emerging with an ungovernable country and broken political system to deal with them.The establishment Democrats that control the party are not up to the job and I would expect them to lose the House in the mid-term and likely the presidency in the next...

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Andrew Sheng and Xiao Geng — Division or Dialogue with China?

Joe Biden’s presidency amounts to a golden opportunity to initiate a direct and honest dialogue with China on issues that require constructive engagement. But time is of the essence. If Biden begins his term by choosing division over dialogue, changing course will soon become difficult, if not impossible.Good luck with dialogue. Corporate shill Biden ("I haven't got a progressive bone in my body") has a nightmare neo-con war hawk cabinet bent on US hegemony (economic, political, and military...

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Economics Not Culture Wars Drove Most Trump Voters — Paul Jay interviews Thomas Ferguson

The notion that racism and sexism were the primary factors driving the Trump vote is not born out by the data, economics was very important too. The rural working-class found their lives a little better under Trump and don’t believe the Democrats care about them. Will Biden address the inequality or bend to the demands of Wall Street? Thomas Ferguson joins Paul Jay on podcast....Transcript.The AnalysisEconomics Not Culture Wars Drove Most Trump VotersPaul Jay interviews...

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Economy is slowing. Further stock consolidation anticipated.

Tax flows indicate a further slowdown in economic activity. Further stock market consolidation coming. Trade and invest using the concepts of MMT. Get a 30-day free trial to MMT Trader. Download my podcasts! New one every week. Mike Norman Twitter

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McKinsey — China’s Gen Z are coming of age: Here’s what marketers need to know

Interesting and about what one would expect from a digital-native generation. Looking good for the new program of "double circulation," that is, exports along with developing the consumer market domestically. That will mean breaking the traditional saving habit and Gen Z seem to be into credit.A modern consumer economy depends on three things — 1) low-cost plentiful desirable goods through technology and innovation, 2) demand stimulation through marketing and advertising, and 3) easy credit....

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