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Mike Norman Economics

Xi Says Economy Can Double as China Lays Out Ambitious Plans

In another article I read (SMCP) said that Xi was going to boost state run industries as they had performed so well during the covid crisis.  That will require 4.7% growth per year to achieve: BocomChina will also aim for high-income nation status by 2025Chinese President Xi Jinping said the economy can double in size by 2035 and the country can reach high-income status in the next five years as the Communist Party outlined ambitious plans for the nation’s future.Xi Says Economy Can Double...

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The election is here and this is my market outlook.

 Yesterday in my MMT Trader report I said that the October market correction was over and we'd see an election rally and a sizable surge in bullish sentiment.Separately, fiscal support remains too strong to be bearish on the economy and stock market right now, but there's more to it.Starting from the market bottom in late March through the rise to new highs in the averages, sentiment remained bearish. I couldn't fathom why. However, in the last few weeks as Biden surged in the polls and talk...

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Christian leader says Jesus was ‘advocating for the 2nd Amendment

 Except... he conveniently left out that the Bible passage was referring to Satan.Matt Barber, the former policy director of the Concerned Women for America, said that Jesus supported the right to bear arms.The only problem? The Bible passage he quotes isn’t about Jesus telling people to arm themselves – Jesus was presenting a parable about Satan. Christian leader says Jesus was ‘advocating for the 2nd Amendment*****Fuelled by fears of post-election protests, US gun sales hit historic highs...

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Parameter Uncertainty Is Not The Same Thing As Model Uncertainty — Brian Romanchuk

One way to model model uncertainty is to have uncertainty about model parameters. Although there can be times where this technique is adequate, it does capture the true nature of model uncertainty. Model uncertainty refers to situations where a baseline model is missing dynamics found in the real world system. Ideally, analysis should be robust to this type of uncertainty.…More generally [in economics], the possibility of models being incorrect are effectively underweighted. The assumption...

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Xinhua – The think tank behind anti-China propaganda in Australia

You have to be very careful on twitter if you put out positive tweets about China, and always be civil, to never swear, or use swear words with an asterisk in, or use a v instead of a u, because if you do hundreds of paid Hong Kong trolls may complain to twitter to get your account closed down. People swear all the time on twitter, and are abusive, but a lot of people have to complain first before twitter suspends an account.    The Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) is infamous...

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Links on the eve of the election

Conversable EconomistHenry Adams: "Politics ... Had Always Been the Systematic Organization of Hatreds"Is Political Polarization a Rise in Tribalism?Max Weber: "He Who Lets Himself in for Politics ... Contracts with Diabolical Powers"Bertrand Russell: Thoughts on Politics, Passion, and SkepticismTimothy Taylor | Managing editor of the Journal of Economic Perspectives, based at Macalester College in St. Paul, MinnesotaInternationalist 360ºU.S. Holds Elections in Conditions it Would Condemn in...

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Election tomorrow. Correction over. Here we go.

Here we go. Correction is over. Election will generate a bullish surge of optimism. Trade and invest using the concepts of MMT. Get a 30-day free trial to MMT Trader. Download my podcasts! New one every week. Mike Norman Twitter

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