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Mike Norman Economics

The time trend in global inequality — James Galbraith and Jaehee Choi

Inspection of trends and changes in inequality gives a strong clue to the sweep of events. There are four trends and three distinct turning points. From 1963-1971, no trend appears, and changes in individual countries are for the most part small. After 1971, while inequality increases in some of the wealthy countries, in much of the world it is declining. After 1980, there is a radical change…. Real-World Economics Review BlogThe time trend in global inequality James Galbraith and Jaehee...

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It’s mostly fiscal — Christian Kopf

Regardless of whether it is called MMT, the trend is now mostly fiscal. Monetary policy is over as central banks "used up all their ammo" and the "bazooka" is still smoking, to no effect. We are entering new territory.OMFIFIt's mostly fiscalChristian Kopf | Head of Fixed Income Fund Management at Union InvestmentGeorge Selgin hates it.Cato InstituteGround Proposals for “Helicopter Money”George Selgin

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Investors are getting more bullish. Watch this!

They spent the last 34 weeks bearish and pessimistic. Now they are getting more bullish. Only now. Trade and invest using the concepts of MMT. Get a 30-day free trial to MMT Trader. Download my podcasts! New one every week. Mike Norman Twitter

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FT Alphaville is convinced on MMT — Richard Murphy

Good work!Tax Research UKFT Alphaville is convinced on MMTThe case for MMT: or why the FT is wrong to publish ill-informed arguments against itRichard Murphy | Professor of Practice in International Political Economy at City University, London; Director of Tax Research UK; non-executive director of Cambridge Econometrics, and a member of the Progressive Economy Forum

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Comments On Palley’s MMT Critique — Brian Romanchuk

Thomas Palley is one of the more persistent MMT critics. His article “What’s wrong with Modern Money Theory: macro and political economic restraints on deficit-financed fiscal policy” was published just as I was finishing up this manuscript. Although I am not greatly impressed with the quality of the criticism, it covers many of the topics discussed in this chapter. If one wanted a summary critique (and not rely on my summaries) of major points of dispute, this might be the briefest...

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Bill Mitchell — Forget the record deficits and public debt – focus on what the net spending is doing to advance well-being

Yesterday (October 21, 2020), the British Office of National Statistics (ONS) released the latest – Public sector finances, UK: September 2020 – which, predictably tells us that government borrowing was “£28.4 billion more than in September 2019 and the third-highest borrowing in any month since records began in 1993” and that the public debt ratio has risen to “103.5% of … GDP … this was the highest debt to GDP ratio since … 1960.” Shock horror. While I yawn. The financial media went to...

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There is no debt.

My new podcast is out. I talk about this. There is no debt. Trade and invest using the concepts of MMT. Get a 30-day free trial to MMT Trader. Download my podcasts! New one every week. Mike Norman Twitter

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