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Mike Norman Economics

Coronavirus outbreaks reported at 70 Michigan K-12 schools and 29 colleges in Oct. 12 report

 More than 5,000 Michigan residents have been infected by coronavirus in new and ongoing school-related outbreaks, according to data released Monday, Oct. 12, by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.That includes 346 students and staff at outbreaks in 46 schools serving preschoolers through high school. The K-12 clusters include outbreaks involving before- and after-school programs.The bulk of the cases -- 4,862 -- involve outbreaks on or around 29 college...

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Bill Mitchell — When disaster strikes the poorest nations, the IMF guarantees to make it worse

When a nation or region is experiencing the worst crisis the IMF always comes to the party and makes it worse. The latest evidence from those who study the detail of IMF interventions across the globe have found that the IMF has imposed harsh conditionalities (healthcare spending cuts, cuts to jobless assistance, cuts to public service wages and employment) in 76 out of the 91 loans it has extended to nations in peril as a result of the pandemic. On the other hand, data show that the wealth...

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Why hasn’t Tom Cruise won an Oscar?

Jerry Maguire A Few Good Men Top Gun Eyes Wide Shut Markets up big today. Trade and invest using the concepts of MMT. Get a 30-day free trial to MMT Trader. Download my podcasts! New one every week. Mike Norman Twitter

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The rise and rise of creativity — Steven Shapin

 Creativity is a relatively new concept. It is largely a psychological one and denotes an ability whose application leads to innovation, either discovery or invention. Creativity doesn't exist in a vacuum, but it is part of a system that falls under the category of human potential.Creativity thrives on curiosity, and in this regard, every child is a creative genius. Unfortunately, this is an ability that doesn't necessary grow and stick as one matures. The challenge of education is how to...

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DSGE Models As Arbitrage-Free Pricing Models — Brian Romanchuk

From the perspective of a fixed income practitioner, the easiest way to interpret dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) models is that they are a form of arbitrage-free pricing models, albeit with a novel definition of arbitrage. This is not too controversial, as DSGE models are an extremely wide classification of models, and pricing models are one recognised sub-category. The issue is that if we look at DSGE macro models -- models which have some resemblance to a core real business...

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Mainland Chinese bankers are taking over Hong Kong’s financial sector, displacing their local peers in top roles — Bloomberg

And that is a good thing. Were you ever in HK under the UK colonial governor? I was–several times. Great for the established, awful for most of the population considering HK wealth disparity. And no, HK was not democratic then. It was governed by a British-run colonial administration. The quicker HK becomes Chinese, the better off the people will be, and this will involve those now benefitting from the remnant of the British raj either changing or leaving. Most will likely leave as the gravy...

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Trump Promised A Break With GOP Trickle-Down Economics. He Delivered More Of The Same. The president is paying a political price for pursuing conventional Republican economic policies. — Daniel Marans

Trump can thank his inability or unwillingness to challenge traditional Republican ideology for his consistent polling deficit against Democratic nominee Joe Biden during this year’s election cycle, according to Saagar Enjeti, co-author of “The Populist’s Guide to 2020: A New Right and New Left Are Rising.” Enjeti ― who, like Krein, identifies as a right-wing populist ― believes that pro-corporate, trickle-down economics has been an especially tough sell amid the destruction caused by the...

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Richard Murphy — Corruption

Corruption is just another form of economic rent extraction.Tax Research UKLawyers understand that this country is corrupt. So do medics. It’s time other professions did as well.I can accuse the government of being corrupt without fear now, because the evidence supports my case. And that’s profoundly worrying.Richard Murphy | Professor of Practice in International Political Economy at City University, London; Director of Tax Research UK; non-executive director of Cambridge Econometrics, and...

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The Logic of Sino-Western Détente — Jim O’Neill

A contrarian view of China.It might be cathartic to opine noisily about another country’s standards and practices, but there is substantial historical evidence to suggest that a country’s citizens will tend to value economic opportunity over most other issues. That axiom applies as much to the US, the UK, and Europe as it does to China....China is kicking ass economically. Might it be foolish to keep poking a dragon (along with a bear and griffin (huma in Persian)?Project SyndicateThe Logic...

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