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Mike Norman Economics

David Kyle Johnson Ph.D:Yes, Masks Work: Debunking the Pseudoscience

Professor Tim Anderson is debating Professor Dennis Rancourt tonight in an event staged by the Off-Guardian. I hope Tim got my tweet in time, where I sent him the article below, but he's probably fully clued up on it all anyway.Dennis Rancourt, a physics professor, wrote an article saying that masks did not work, but when you clicked on the science articles he referred to, they said the opposite. How did he make such a crazy mistake, David Kyle Johnson has a few theories?When my colleague...

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Climate Science Denial Network Behind Great Barrington Declaration, Nafeez Ahmed

 The ‘think-tank’ behind the Great Barrington Declaration is part-funded by right-wing American billionaire Charles Koch'Herd immunity' is under question too. The claim that “thousands of scientists” are supporting the Barrington Declaration was reported far and wide by major media outlets from the BBC to the Daily Mail. But when I attempted to check how the signatory process works, I discovered that there was no vetting procedure in place for signatories – anybody could become a confirmed...

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Is a Cure for COVID-19 Already Sold at a Pharmacy Near You? Some Experts Believe So

Around the world, evidence mounts that vitamin D can protect against infection by COVID-19 and ease the virus' symptoms, but the medical establishment isn't convinced. Is it time to think outside the box?It's behind a paywall, but the heading is good enough. You should publish the article as quickly as possible,” I was advised by Dr. Shaul Lev, who heads the general intensive care unit at Hasharon Hospital in Petah Tikva, and chairman of the Israel Society for Clinical Nutrition, at the...

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Alan Macleod – Critics Say New Iran Sanctions Designed To “Choke off Humanitarian Exports” Amid Pandemic

 The Trump administration’s new sanctions on Iran are so wide-reaching that many fear they are meant to directly harm the Iranian people as they struggle to cope with the coronavirus pandemic.Heartless and Sadistic Iran was one of the first countries to be hit badly by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the U.S. used the opportunity to cause maximum devastation by intimidating other nations into refusing to sell or donate them medical supplies, lest they be hit with secondary sanctions. As a result,...

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Dow 30k setting up in the crosshairs again.

The Dow's run to 30k was interrupted last month. But the move is on again. Trade and invest using the concepts of MMT. Get a 30-day free trial to MMT Trader. Download my podcasts! New one every week. Mike Norman Twitter

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Bill Mitchell: job guarantee will suppress working class power — David Sligar

A critique of the MMT JG from the left.This is interesting in that the author seems to be arguing with leaving the system in place because doing so is more favorable for labor market power. It is interesting because his real desire is to transform the existing system away from "capitalism," at least the neoliberal variety that is presently in place. I am left assuming that he thinks either that workers are better able to transform "capitalism" from within without a JG, or something else that...

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Mainstreaming MMT — Aaron Wistar

THE PAST FEW YEARS have been good ones for Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). A decade ago, you would have been hard-pressed to find a mainstream economist who had even heard of this fringe school of left-Keynesian economics. But ever since Bernie Sanders made MMT proponent Stephanie Kelton a senior economic advisor for his 2016 presidential campaign, it has gradually trickled into the mainstream. In June, Kelton’s new book, The Deficit Myth: Modern Monetary Theory and the Birth of the People’s...

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Arbitrage In Practice And Theory — Brian Romanchuk

The textbook "The Mathematics of Financial Derivatives: A Student Introduction" by Paul Wilmott, Sam Howison, and Jeff Dewynne (Amazon affiliate link) is a standard introductory text, and describes arbitrage in the following fashion.This [arbitrage] can be loosely stated as "there is no such thing as a free lunch." More formally, in financial terms, there are never any opportunities to make an instantaneous risk-free profit. (More correctly, such opportunities cannot exist for a significant...

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You can’t cut and grow.

So many people try to convince themselves that cutting back is the way to m move forward. That's totally wrong. Trade and invest using the concepts of MMT. Get a 30-day free trial to MMT Trader. Download my podcasts! New one every week. Mike Norman Twitter

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