Saturday , June 15 2024
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Mike Norman Economics

Today’s “Boeing rally” won’t hold.

Two weeks ago it was "Fed buying corporate bonds." Last week it was "changes to Volker rule." Today it was Boeing. Won't hold. Economy is weakening. Trade and invest using the concepts of MMT. Get a 30-day free trial to MMT Trader. Download my podcasts! New one every week.

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‘The God That Failed’: Why the U.S. Cannot Now Re-Impose Its Civilisational Worldview — Alastair Crooke

Liberal core tenets of individual autonomy, freedom, industry, free trade and commerce essentially reflected the triumph of the Protestant worldview in Europe’s 30-years’ civil war. It was not fully even a Christian view, but more a Protestant one.This narrow, sectarian pillar was able to be projected into a universal project – only so long as it was underpinned by power.... World views are justifications (values-based, normative) rather than explanations (factual, scientific).Alastair...

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Zero Hedge — Wilbur Ross Says US Revokes Hong Kong’s Special Status

Bites off nose to spite face. ?The West needs favored access to Hong Kong much more than China. That did not used to be case, but the importance of Hong Kong to China has declined dramatically. The result of this will be the gradual decline of Hong Kong as a player and the rise of mainland Chinese trading and financial centers.More significantly, China has shut the door to easy access by foreign intelligence and political influencers.In the longer run, rupture from the West will be...

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Sputnik — UN Declares ‘Massive Rise’ in Hunger Spikes as WHO Warns Pandemic ‘Not Close to Being Over’

The pandemic seems to be accelerating — Global R (reproduction value) increasing — rather than stabilizing or declining. In a Monday news release, the WFP warned that tens of millions of people will most likely go hungry this year due the COVID-19 pandemic. The agency’s estimates show that around 270 million people will face food insecurity before the year ends, which represents an 82% increase from before the pandemic swept across the globe.... Sputnik InternationalUN Declares ‘Massive...

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SouthFront — Russia Experimented With “Swarm” Battle Formation Of Su-35 Jets, Led By Su-57 Fighter Jet

Swarm is the future. He added that similar work is being carried out by the United States of America, in particular for its F35 fighter jets. In addition, Murakhovsky said, so far neither Russia nor the United States have been able to build such a unified information system for managing all types of troops due to difficulties in creating a single data format for different types and branches of the armed forces. The operative term is "information system."SouthFrontRussia Experimented With...

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