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Mike Norman Economics

Sputnik — UN Declares ‘Massive Rise’ in Hunger Spikes as WHO Warns Pandemic ‘Not Close to Being Over’

The pandemic seems to be accelerating — Global R (reproduction value) increasing — rather than stabilizing or declining. In a Monday news release, the WFP warned that tens of millions of people will most likely go hungry this year due the COVID-19 pandemic. The agency’s estimates show that around 270 million people will face food insecurity before the year ends, which represents an 82% increase from before the pandemic swept across the globe.... Sputnik InternationalUN Declares ‘Massive...

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SouthFront — Russia Experimented With “Swarm” Battle Formation Of Su-35 Jets, Led By Su-57 Fighter Jet

Swarm is the future. He added that similar work is being carried out by the United States of America, in particular for its F35 fighter jets. In addition, Murakhovsky said, so far neither Russia nor the United States have been able to build such a unified information system for managing all types of troops due to difficulties in creating a single data format for different types and branches of the armed forces. The operative term is "information system."SouthFrontRussia Experimented With...

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China-based TikTok and other apps are banned in India following border conflict — Lydia Dishman

National security concerns are cited for the reason the Indian Ministry is shutting down access to 59 Chinese apps. TikTok, ShareIt, WeChat, and 56 other Chinese apps have been banned in India over what the government called national security concerns. Further splintering of the global Internet as globalization reverses gear. Fast CompanyChina-based TikTok and other apps are banned in India following border conflict Lydia Dishman

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Chinese Oil Majors Could Form A Powerful Buyers Club — Irina Slav

China’s state-owned oil companies—Sinopec, CNOOC, PetroChina, and Sinochem—are discussing an arrangement to buy crude oil together instead of individually, to avoid bidding wars and gain more bargaining power, unnamed sources in the know told Bloomberg. The group has already secured the support of the central government and its first step as a collective buyer would be to bid on Russian and African oil cargos on the spot market, the Bloomberg sources said. If the group bidding pans out,...

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Governments should do everything possible to avoid recessions – yet they don’t — Bill Mitchell

In May 2020, the IMF published a new Working Paper (No 20/73) – Hysteresis and Business Cycles – which provides some insights into what happens during an economic cycle. The IMF are somewhat late to the party as they usually are. We have known about the concept and relevance of hysteresis since the 1980s. In terms of the academic work, I was one of the earliest contributors to the hysteresis literature in the world. I published several articles on the topic in the 1980s that came out of my...

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