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Mike Norman Economics

What I’ve Learned Treating Patients Suffering From COVID-19

This disease is like nothing I have ever seen in my career As a critical care medicine specialist, I am used to seeing the sickest of the sick. I am used to seeing patients with respiratory failure. I am used to seeing patients in shock. I am used to seeing patients gasping for air, with dangerously low oxygen levels. I am used to seeing patients in kidney failure. Never, however, have I seen patients as sick as those with COVID-19. What I’ve Learned Treating Patients Suffering From...

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A Refutation of Academic Agent’s “Debunking Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)” — Lord Keynes

Academic Agent – a YouTube libertarian and unusually ignorant advocate of Austrian economics – tries to refute Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) in this video:… Let us run through this video and refute Academic Agent’s arguments point by point: Social Democracy For The 21St Century: A Post Keynesian PerspectiveA Refutation of Academic Agent’s “Debunking Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)”Lord Keynes

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New York coronavirus antibody study: Why I had nothing to say to the press on this one. — Andrew Gelman

Do I want to be quoted as saying this estimate is pretty good? Or that it’s flawed? I don’t know. There’s no data, no report. Based on the news report, the study seems to have been conducted by the state health department, and that sounds like a good sign. In general I’ll have more trust in a study from the state health department than from some Stanford professors. I’m not joking here: the health department are professionals and they don’t have the same incentives that academics have to...

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Risk in capitalism — Chris Dillow

One thing this crisis is demonstrating is that in modern capitalism it is workers and small businesses that bear risk to a greater extent that does larger capital... Defenders of "capitalism" will argue that the present system in not really capitalism since presently governments privilege capital and in a genuine liberal economics as the basis of ,capitalism, this would not be allowed.The retort is that, while this may be true theoretically (which is arguable, but that is beyond the scope...

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Pre and post Covid-19 economies reveal the massive con across the planet by establishment politicians…

For the last 40 years or so the world has been subjected to an economic model that rips the heart out of humanity and turns everyone against each other. This model is known as neo liberalism. However, there is a new model in town which seeks to replace it with a much more long term and kinder approach. Pre and post Covid-19 economies reveal the massive con across the planet by establishment politicians…

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Lab-made? CoV2 genealogy through the lens of gain-of-function research

Deep dive into it.. Translated from science-speak, what this means is that if we analyze the entire RBD of the three strains, ignoring the obvious differences (i.e. non-synonymous substitutions) among them, which are mainly found in the RBM (which, recall, is identical between CoV2 and Pangolin), and construct a phylogenetic tree for synonymous substitutions, CoV2 is still closer to RaTG13 than to the pangolin strain. Which is rather strange in light of the fact that the pangolin strain and...

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Links — 23 April 2020

The National InterestHow J.R.R. Tolkien’s Personal Experience With World War I Impacted Lord of the Rings Warfare History NetworkIndependent Media InstituteHow the Chinese Authorities and the World Health Organization Handled the Coronavirus, and Why the WHO Didn’t Declare a Pandemic Until March Jenny PiersonThe Vineyard of the SakerThe AngloZionists are launching a strategic PSYOP against China The SakerThe American ConservativePlease Tell The Establishment That U.S. Hegemony Is Over Daniel...

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