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Mike Norman Economics

Iran responds to Trump warning

Might be  looked at as a good opportunity to demonstrate military effectiveness under these conditions just to show adversaries you are still operationally effective militarily.... don't be surprised if an incident occurs over there... War drums? Iran responds to Trump warning about U.S. Navy vessels in Persian Gulf, promises retaliation. — John Solomon (@jsolomonReports) April 23, 2020

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Learn to take money from “headline traders.”

Headline traders have no market understanding. They're sheep, and that's easy money for skilled traders with strong mental game. Trade and invest using the concepts and understandings of MMT. Get a 30-day free trial to MMT Trader.

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The Pandemic Normal: Whither Income Flows? — Brian Romanchuk

I see very few reasons to expect a return to pre-COVID normal in most countries any time soon. Countries will need to adapt to the "pandemic normal," where activities will have to in line with preventing super-spreading incidents. Right now, the economic concern is cascading business/household failures. Fiscal deficits will put a floor under that process. What will the new steady state look like? The main interesting question is how income flows are re-shaped.... I have a couple of...

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Michael Hudson — Another Giveaway

TRANSCRIPT: US CORONAVIRUS ‘BAILOUT’ SCAM IS $6 TRILLION GIVEAWAY TO WALL ST – ECONOMIST MICHAEL HUDSON EXPLAINS21 APRIL 2020BY MODERATE REBELS Facing the Covid-19 pandemic, the US Congress rammed through the CARES Act — which economist Michael Hudson explains is not a “bailout” but a massive, $6 trillion giveaway to Wall Street, banks, large corporations, and stockholders.Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton discuss the enormous financial scam with Hudson, who reveals how the economy actually...

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A Very Introductory Lecture on Epidemic Models — Three-Toed Sloth

I'm teaching data mining this semester, but The Kids were understandably interested in epidemic modeling, so I gave a lecture on it for the special-topics day in the syllabus. They liked the slides, and some people who saw them did to, so if you want a basic introduction the classic susceptible-infectious-removed model of epidemics, and how it plays with network structure, here you go. A Very Introductory Lecture on Epidemic ModelsThree-Toed Sloth

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Links — 22 April 2020

Reminiscence of the Future (Why the US is delusional. It's about "tangibles" (real resources rather than financial). Tangibles, Yet Again. About "Hegemony". Fast Thought. Plans Within Plans, Within Plans....Andrei Martyanov Fort Russ (declaring a red line)China Warns Any Attempt to Deny its Sovereignty in South China Sea is DoomedDrago Bosnic FAIR Media Fail to Identify Xenophobia as Biden Says Trump ‘Rolled Over for Chinese’ Julie Hollar Fast Company (next flu season)CDC...

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