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Mike Norman Economics

Putin warns about Western media

With conspiracy theories upon conspiracy theories you begin to doubt everything in the end. A British journalist - who does get his documentaries out on the mainstream media - did one about how the establishment confuses us with constant contradictory information, so that no one really knows what is going on anymore.I think Putin is right here, though. [embedded content]

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Lee Hall – Wet Markets and Wild Longings

British animal feed companies turned the unwanted remains of dead animals into animal feed for vegetarian animals, turning many of them into cannibals. British farmers also nearly infected the whole nation with Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (Mad Cow Disease).I went to a Red Cross site to give blood this week, but was told to leave without donating. Turns out I’m in a “deferral” category, having spent more than three months in Britain between 1980 and 1996. It’s related to mad cow and...

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The Use and Abuse of MMT — Michael Hudson, with Dirk Bezemer, Steve Keen and T.Sabri Öncü

Using government spending power to bail out financiers and rentiers makes a travesty of MMT.... Naked CapitalismThe Use and Abuse of MMTMichael Hudson, research professor of Economics at University of Missouri, Kansas City, and a research associate at the Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, with Dirk Bezemer, Professor of Economics at the University of Groningen in The Netherlands, Steve Keen, Professor and Distinguished Research Fellow at the Institute for Strategy, Resilience and...

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Coronavirus: Nature magazine apologises for reports linking Covid-19 with China

Some guy I follow on twitter put out a video of Chinese men on motor-bikes who were snatching children allegedly for organ harvesting. There was also terrying footage of two men snatching a child from hysterical parents from their hallway. In the tweets underneath everyone was going ballistic demonising the Chinese.I tweeted asking them how did they know what was actually happening in these videos, and that such footage could be collected from any country? I said it could be divorced parents...

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Sewage shows we’re undercounting coronavirus cases — by a lot, MA researchers say

I'd like to see the detailed designs of the water systems on the big cruise ships and in Italy...Remember those scantron "this is the job you'd be good at" tests? Feeling ok about my answers because "scientist" would have had me digging in sewage for feces to deter a global pandemic. Thank god for you, btw. But not my path.— moira (@moira) April 10, 2020

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Adam Tooze – The Normal Economy Is Never Coming Back

The latest U.S. data proves the world is in its steepest freefall ever—and the old economic and political playbooks don’t apply. As the coronavirus lockdown began, the first impulse was to search for historical analogies—1914, 1929, 1941? As the weeks have ground on, what has come ever more to the fore is the historical novelty of the shock that we are living through. As a result of the coronavirus pandemic, America’s economy is now widely expected to shrink by a quarter. That is as much...

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Bill Gates responds to vaccine conspiracy theories on CCTV

When I first wrote here I was accused by some people of being a conspiracy theorist because I questioned the official 9/11 narrative. But since I've been active on Twitter over the last three months I seem to be mainly in fierce debate with the conspiracy theorists. Conspiracy theories distract from the real issues, like the military industrial complex, Russiagate, the neoliberal attack on ordinary people, MSM pro war propaganda, and that there is hardly any real democracy in the West, etc....

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Caitlin Johnstone — Rogue Journalist The Real Conspiracy: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

Some conspiracy-type people say the world is messed up because we’re ruled by illuminati or reptilians, but I’m way more out there than that: I say our entire society is made of imaginary thought stories with little relation to objective reality, and some clever manipulators have figured out how to exploit this. I say even what we take to be our very self is an ultimately illusory narrative construct made up of a disconnected network of thought, language and memories; look hard for a solid...

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