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Mike Norman Economics

Mnuchin: Plan includes $4T of “liquidity!” for Fed

We have to watch the details of how they actually do this:Coronavirus aid bill includes $3,000 for families, $4 trillion liquidity for Fed: Mnuchin— Yahoo Finance (@YahooFinance) March 22, 2020 If they plan to have the Fed just "inject!" or "pump in!" $4T of new Reserves then Depositories are going to need either 1. significant regulatory modifications or 2. about a $400b addition of regulatory capital...

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Why is the ratio for the system always about 9.5% and for the 4 more conservative money centers about 9.0%?Evolved from the apes by random chance maybe?  Somebody flipped a coin?  Rolled dice?

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Dr Youssef El-Gingihy tweets – Covid-19

Dr Youssef El-Gingihy is putting out some interesting tweets, not that they are helping me to relax all that much.Coronavirus mortality rate may well be below 1% but virulence means tens of thousands of deaths. Also 4% critical illness need intensive care. 10-15% hospitalisations means collapse of healthcare system. Wider political, economic and social implications enormous 1/ This is calm before storm. What is about to be unleashed hasn’t been experienced by whole world since WWII. It will...

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The coronavirus did not escape from a lab. Here’s how we know. By Jeanna Bryner

The conspiracy theorists are going ten-to-dozen on twitter, but they won't like it when I throw this in their threads.One persistent myth is that this virus, called SARS-CoV-2, was made by scientists and escaped from a lab in Wuhan, China, where the outbreak began. A new analysis of SARS-CoV-2 may finally put that latter idea to bed. A group of researchers compared the genome of this novel coronavirus with the seven other coronaviruses known to infect humans: SARS, MERS and SARS-CoV-2, which...

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Putin offers to send medical personnel & equipment to help Italy contain coronavirus outbreak

Mike Pompeo sees Covid-19 virus as an opportunity to strike Iran to cause maximum misery and deaths.Russia is set to send teams of doctors, protective gear and medical equipment to Italy to help fight the Covid-19 pandemic in the country. It follows an appeal by Italian PM Giuseppe Conte during a phone call with Vladimir Putin. RT Putin offers to send medical personnel & equipment to help Italy contain coronavirus outbreak

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Deja vu all over again…

Here from 10 years ago in NYT they are doing the same thing this week in earnest and have obviously capped the bond rally: But inside the Operations Room, on the ninth floor of the New York Fed’s fortresslike headquarters, there is no time for second-guessing. Here the second round of what is known as quantitative easing — QE2, as it is called on Wall Street — is being put into practice almost daily by the central bank’s powerful New York arm.  Each morning Mr. Frost and his team face a...

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Is there an Infinite Mind? | Donald Hoffman Ph.D. | Waking Cosmos

I’m finding these videos by Professor Donald Hoffman interesting. Professor Hoffman believes that space and time are created by our minds. That the mind creates all physical matter, including our brains.No one can figure out how the brain creates an image: how does the physical matter in our brain generate an image that we can see? A recent article I read said that the brain was nothing like a computer.The universe seems to have consciousness built into it, and Donald Hoffman believes that...

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Fed crashing it again..

Just yesterday alone they added $122B in non-risk assets to Depositories: CNBC's Steve Liesman said with additional Fed action just announced, today will be a record $122 billion in purchases and a record $322 billion for the week. $SPY $TLT $GLD — (@Street_Insider) March 20, 2020 Market down 5% on that action alone yesterday...  and makes it $322B added for the entire week... Which results in the largest weekly reduction in risk asset prices since they last did this in...

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