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Mike Norman Economics

Poverty isn’t a lack of character; it’s a lack of cash | Rutger Bregman

Could the Basic Income pay for itself? People do more work when they have enough money, children stay on at school longer getting better grades, average IQ increases by 14%. There is less crime, better nutrition, less illness, and less alcohol and drug abuse.Many of our greatest thinkers and artists lived in poverty, just think how much more they could have accomplished if they had enough money to live on?The right tend to believe that poor people don't try hard enough, but when people...

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Links — 29 Nov 2019 — Part 1

Caitlin Johnstone — Rogue JournalistUnderstand The OPCW Scandal In Seven MinutesCaitlin Johnstone Anti EmpireThis Is How Russia Keeps Venezuela Exporting Oil Despite US SanctionsMarko Marjanović Anti EmpireChina Completes an Experimental “Nuclear Fusion” Reactor 13-Times Hotter Than the Sun Masha Borak CounterpunchBolivia: Anatomy of a CoupJeff Mackler and Lazaro Monteverde  SouthFrontBolivia’s Coup Government On the Hunt for Dissidents CounterpunchThe Torture Called SolitaryEve...

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Power of Siberia Opens Chinese Gas Market— Alexei Grivach

In a December 2nd conference call, the leaders of Russia and China will officially launch a new era in relations between the two countries. The largest gas exporter and the fastest growing large market in the world will be connected by a pipeline system that will link the gas fields of Eastern Siberia with Shanghai; the pipeline network will extend more than 6,000 km.... Valdai AnalyticsPower of Siberia Opens Chinese Gas Market Alexei Grivach

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Rob Evans – Thinktanks: Wealthy US donors gave millions to rightwing UK groups

Revelations raise questions about influence of foreign funding on British politics  How the right’s radical thinktanks reshaped the Conservative party The money has been given to researching alternatives to the NHS for an ageing population and to fund work on inspiring young people to become supporters of free markets, according to the foundation.  Eleven wealthy American donors who have given a total of more than $3.7m (£2.86m) to rightwing UK groups in the past five years have...

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Practitioner’s Guide to MMT: Parts 1 & 2 — Kevin Muir

After thinking about the problems that the majority seem to have accepting MMT, I have concluded it best to divide MMT up into two components. One is the descriptive theory on how things are. This part deals with debt flows, banking reserves, etc… It describes the way a modern economy works. The next part is the prescriptive part of MMT. After understanding how an economy operates, many MMT advocates have policy recommendations. The important thing to understand about these choices is that...

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Links — 28 Nov 2019

Anti MediaChinese Middle Class Could Reach 550 Million in Three Years — Every American Corporation Wants in on This BoomEvelyn Cheng The Vineyard of the SakerHong Kong ensnared in the West’s color revolution hot box – the latest news and analysisJeff J. Brown Zero HedgeIran, China, & Russia Gear Up For Unprecedented War Games In "Message To The World"Tyler Durden

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In possible climate breakthrough, Israel scientists engineer bacteria to eat CO₂

Decade-long research at Weizmann Institute could pave way for low-emissions production of carbon for use in biofuels, food, and help remove excess global warming CO₂ from air In a remarkable breakthrough that could pave the way toward carbon-neutral fuels, researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science have produced a genetically engineered bacteria that can live on carbon dioxide rather than sugar. Times of Israel  In possible climate breakthrough, Israel scientists engineer...

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Nathan Lynch – Swerving SWIFT: the story behind Westpac’s money-laundering calamity

Australian, but believed to be a transnational problem. Bankrolling pedophiles, facilitating massive money-laundering schemes and terrorist-financing have branded Westpac, deservingly, an instant pariah of the banking world. As regulatory intelligence expert Nathan Lynch reveals here however, Westpac is unlikely to be alone. The story behind the story is industrial scale tax avoidance, the concealing of enormous cross-border payments. Armstrong said the AUSTRAC case was going to be a...

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Gideon Levy – The Contract on Corbyn

Corbyn is not an anti-Semite. His real sin is to fight against injustice in the world, including the version Israel perpetrates Corbyn is not an anti-Semite. He never was. His real sin is his staunch position against injustice in the world, including the version Israel perpetrates. Today this is anti-Semitism. The Hungarian Viktor Orban, the Austrian Freedom Party and the extreme right in Europe are not the danger to Jews. Corbyn is the enemy. The new and efficient strategy of Israel...

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