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Mike Norman Economics

Moon of Alabama – New Study: “Russian Trolls” Did Not “Sow Discord” – They Influenced No One

The was no Russian government campaign to influence the 2016 election. There was only a Russian commercial media enterprise that used sock-puppet accounts with quirky content to attract viewers and sold advertisement space to U.S. companies. The IRA also bought advertisement to attract more people to its accounts. But the amount it spent was tiny. The final price tag for the 2016 election was $6.5 billion for the presidential and congressional elections combined. The IRA spend a total...

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Simon Jack – UK ‘has particularly extreme form of capitalism’

The UK has one of the most extreme forms of capitalism in the world and we urgently need to rethink the role of business in society. That's according to Prof Colin Mayer, author of a new report on the future of the corporation for the British Academy. Prof Mayer says that global crises such as the environment and growing inequality are forcing a reassessment of what business is for. "The corporation has failed to deliver benefit beyond shareholders, to its stakeholders and its wider...

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Global Giants: American Empire and Transnational Capital — Maximilian C. Forte

Review of Giants: The Global Power Elite by Peter Phillips (Introduction by William I. Robinson). New York: Seven Stories Press, 2018. LCCN 2018017493; ISBN 9781609808716 (pbk.); ISBN 9781609808723 (ebook); 353 pps. Giants: The Global Power Elite, by Peter M. Phillips, Professor of Political Sociology at Sonoma State University, opens with a stated intention of following in the tradition C. Wright Mills’ The Power Elite. This book is clearly meant to be a contemporary update and expansion...

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Links 27 Nov 2019

Moon of AlabamaNew Study: "Russian Trolls" Did Not "Sow Discord" - They Influenced No One Naked Keynesianism — Hemlock for economics studentsVenezuela and the embargo Matias Vernengo | Associate Professor of Economics, Bucknell University The Vineyard of the SakerThe road toward Greater Eurasia Iran’s ‘Only Crime Is We Decided Not to Fold’ Pepe Escobar Sputnik InternationalHuawei CEO Warns Trump the Point of No Return is Near as Trade Ban Remains Intact Leaked Docs Obtained by Labour...

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Sonia Sirletti, Sergio Di Pasquale – Ex-Deutsche Bank, Nomura Officials Get Jail Time in Monte dei Paschi Collusion Case

Italy took a hard line against bankers involved in helping Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena SpA falsify its accounts, sentencing 13 executives and managers to jail terms and fining the banks that worked with the Italian lender. Monte Paschi ex-Chairman Giuseppe Mussari was sentenced to 7.6 years in prison. Deutsche Bank officials Michele Faissola and Michele Foresti and Nomura’s Sadeq Sayeed, Raffaele Ricci also received jail terms. Deutsche Bank and Nomura face fines and seizures totaling...

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Holmes Chan – Organisation of Islamic Cooperation ‘commends’ China for its treatment of Muslims

The Council “welcomes the outcomes of the visit conducted by the General Secretariat’s delegation upon invitation from the People’s Republic of China; commends the efforts of the People’s Republic of China in providing care to its Muslim citizens; and looks forward to further cooperation between the OIC and the People’s Republic of China,” the resolution read. The OIC has 57 member states, and aims to provide “the collective voice of the Muslim world.” Its Council of Foreign Ministers...

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US primes NATO to confront Russia, China — M. K. Bhadrakumar

More importantly, the trend at the NATO foreign ministers’ meeting at Brussels on November 19-20, in the run-up to the London summit, showed that despite growing differences within the alliance, member states closed ranks around three priority items in the US global agenda — escalation of the aggressive policy toward Russia, militarisation of space and countering China’s rise.... The only sure way to ensure permanent US hegemony is to break Russia and China into smaller countries that can...

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Don’t Buy the “Marketplace of Ideas” — Terry Hathaway

Economic imagery pervades societal discourse. Part of this imagery projects markets as existing everywhere; the common societal parlance sees talk of the car market, the grocery market, the computer market, or, simply, the market. Yet, excepting traditional marketplaces or medinas, these markets have no physical manifestation. Unlike with other major social institutions there is no where to visit; there is no headquarters. Instead, markets are said to exist when there are competitors in...

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Introduction to Recessions: Volume I — Brian Romanchuk

This article is an edited draft of the introductory section of my book. I filled it in last, on the theory that I should only state what is in the text after the rest of it is finished. I am giving the manuscript a short look-over before passing along to editing. Realistically, the earliest publication date will be in early January. The text is longer than my previous works, at around 60,000 words. Has quite a few figures depicting historical data and simulation results (haven't counted,...

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