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Mike Norman Economics

Who is Bolivia’s far-right US-backed coup leader?

'Turn the other cheek, forgive thy enemy, love your neighbour '  'Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God." 'Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth' (World English Bible)  We look into Jeanine Añez, a US-backed right-wing extremist whose fringe party got 4% of votes but now claims to be Bolivia's "president" after a military coup. She is trying to destroy the country's secular...

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You can't correct someone making a reification error by employing even more figurative ("pizza!") language: Nope! The federal budget is not like a pizza. With a pizza, cutting someone a bigger ? does indeed leave a smaller pie to ➗ up among everyone else. The gov’t budget is different! It’s not a zero-sum game. We can fund other priorities even as interest payments rise. #HereToHelp — Stephanie Kelton (@StephanieKelton) November 19, 2019 This "pizza!" metaphor will...

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Szu Ping Chan – Why economists get things wrong’

[embedded content]                              We Want Dance!People don't always want maximum efficiency. Economists who rely too much on maths to work out the most efficient way to run the economy will end up with everyone feeling miserable, and an economy that dives. Economics involves psychology and sociology - behaviour economics.MMT even has the Job Guarantee because it is a people reoriented economics system. What motivates us? Conventional economic theory doesn't focus on what...

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Links — 18 Nov 2019

One WorldBolivia Faces Croatian-Style Ethnic Cleansing & South African-Like Apartheid Andrew KorybkoCounterpunchProtestors Massacred in Post-Coup BoliviaOlivia Arigho-Stiles  Internationalist 360ºThousands March in Response to Cochabamba Massacre as the Dictatorship Prepares for a State of Siege teleSUR CounterpunchThe Eighteenth Brumaire of Macho Camacho: Jeffery R. Webber and Forrest Hylton on the Coup in Bolivia Ashley Smith Al JazerraUN calls for talks to end Bolivia crisis as...

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Bill Mitchell – Invoking neoliberal framing and language is a failing progressive strategy (British Labour

Over the years it’s been clear to me that we live in a fictional world when it comes to economic matters. The mainstream has created this world that bears little relationship to reality and which serves the interests of a few at the expense of the majority. But the way in which this fiction is inculcated in the framing and language of our public debates leads the majority to think that the conduct of economic policy is somehow in their best interests, even if, at times, governments claim we...

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Holland Covers Hundreds of Bus Stops with Plants as Gift to Honeybees

The roofs of hundreds of bus stops have been covered in plants as a gift to honeybee, by a city in the Netherlands.  Mainly made up of sedum plants, a total of 316 have been covered in greenery in Utrecht. The shelters not only support the city’s biodiversity, such as honey bees and bumblebees, but they also help capture fine dust and store rainwater. The roofs are looked after by workers who drive around in electric vehicles, and the bus stops have all been fitted with energy-efficient...

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More "pumping!"China first one in a while: #PBOC injects 180 bn yuan via open market operation (7-day reverse repo) — YUAN TALKS (@YuanTalks) November 18, 2019 US Fed $55B additional coming up next few weeks; in advance of Dec 15 quarterly tax payment day: Statement Regarding Repurchase Operations → — New York Fed (@NewYorkFed) November 14, 2019

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Eric Baldwin – Luxembourg Becomes First Country to Make All Public Transit Free

Luxembourg is set to become the world's first country to make all of its public transportation free. The newly re-elected prime minister Xavier Bettel and the coalition government have announced that they will lift all fares on trains, trams and buses next summer. Taking aim at long commutes and the country’s carbon footprint, the new move hopes to alleviate some of the worst traffic congestion in the world. Arch Daily Eric Baldwin - Luxembourg Becomes First Country to Make All Public...

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