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Mike Norman Economics

Links — 17 Nov 2019

Moon of AlabamaOPCW Whistleblowers: Management Manipulated Reports - Douma 'Chemical Weapon Attack' Was StagedCaitlin Johnstone — Rogue JournalistThe Hugely Important OPCW Scandal Keeps Unfolding. Here’s Why No One’s Talking About It.Caitlin Johnstone Defend Democracy PressBolivia: 9 Corpses in 24 hours Prove Dictatorship’s Violence Sic Semper Tyrannis Where are the indictments from Durham and Horowitz? Where? Col. W. Patrick Lang, US Army (ret.) SouthFrontRiots Rage Across Iran Over...

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Mainstream Inventory Theories — Brian Romanchuk

If we look at standard macro Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium models, inventories do not appear. The modelling focus is on expectation formation – particularly in the household sector – and business sector behavior is stylised. Since the assumption is that products are bought and sold both spot and forward in an optimal fashion, production decisions are just set to give exactly the output needed in the spot market.... This assumes a "just-in-time" supply chain, which is an ideal that...

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Scott Fullwiler — Quick(?) MMT 101 lesson

From Twitter via AppThreadReader Note: material in brackets is added to the original by Tom Hickey for clarification. Scott Fullwiler @stf18 1. Quick(?) MMT 101 lesson:From the very beginning in the 1990s, MMT has NEVER argued that 'printing money' was necessary. Anyone saying MMT = "print money," even if they (correctly) incorporate an inflation constraint, is getting MMT dead wrong.2. The argument from the earliest...

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Will Hutton – How could it be that the Tories have turned their back on the best of British industry?

If Jeremy Corbyn’s party were not so averse to capitalism, this would be a great opportunity for Labour 40 leading economists recently put out a letter backing Labour. David Graeber says the best economists now advise Labour - which I doubt will get out wrong about markets.Will Hutton says Labour is far too adverse to capitalism, and I have tended to distrust it too, but it has to be enbraced because it is effective and is about freedom. Will Huton is right about the mixed economy - we...

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Gary Younge – The Tories can’t win without the press. This isn’t how democracy works

The power of the rightwing press has corroded public debate. But we can do more than just complain about it Corbyn has been misrepresented, as well as being falsely accused of being antisemitic. The vile media campaign against Corbyn has been disgraceful - all dirty tricks and outright lies - and so now Johnson leads in the polls, who doesn't have the British people's interest at heart, only that of the elite.Our media is not for for purpose. In February 2016, a few months before the...

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Winston Mok – China’s economic miracle has a secret ingredient hiding in plain sight: unbalanced growth

Winston Mok describes why the US can't catch up.  Like the US, China’s economic dynamism rests on the imbalance between the runaway successes of its coastal provinces and the laggards along its northern rust belt. The crucial difference? Beijing redistributes the fruits of economic successSCMPWinston Mok - China’s economic miracle has a secret ingredient hiding in plain sight: unbalanced growth

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