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Mike Norman Economics

Vijay Prashad – After Evo, the Lithium Question Looms Large in Bolivia

A Chinese firm was brought in to mine the lithium. After that the coup took place.Tesla (United States) and Pure Energy Minerals (Canada) both showed great interest in having a direct stake in Bolivian lithium. But they could not make a deal that would take into consideration the parameters set by the Morales government. Morales himself was a direct impediment to the takeover of the lithium fields by the non-Chinese transnational firms. He had to go.Vijay Prashad - After Evo, the Lithium...

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What Happened in Bolivia’s 2019 Vote Count?

November 2019, Guillaume Long, David Rosnick, Cavan Kharrazian, and Kevin Cashman It was all very fair.  This paper presents results from statistical analysis of election returns and tally sheets from Bolivia’s October 20 elections. This analysis finds no evidence that irregularities or fraud affected the official result that gave President Evo Morales a first-round victory. The paper presents a step-by-step breakdown of what happened with Bolivia’s vote counts (both the unofficial...

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Bolivia’s New Self-Declared “Interim President” Believes Indians Are “Satanic”, Shouldn’t Be Allowed in Cities — Marko Marjanović

Anti-EmpireBolivia’s New Self-Declared “Interim President” Believes Indians Are “Satanic”, Shouldn’t Be Allowed in Cities Marko Marjanović Statement from Colectivo Curva on the resistance of the people of El Alto in response to the ongoing coup attempt in Bolivia. Based in El Alto themselves, Colectivo Curva argue that the native peoples of El Alto remember their history of struggle against the Morales government: they do not fight for him and his party, but against an attack on their...

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The Growing Threat of Water Wars — Jayati Ghosh

In 2015, United Nations member states adopted the Sustainable Development Goals, which include an imperative to “ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.” Yet, in the last four years, matters have deteriorated significantly.... Project SyndicateThe Growing Threat of Water WarsJayati Ghosh | Professor of Economics at the Centre for Economic Studies and Planning, School of Social Sciences, at the Jawaharlal Nehru University, in New Delhi

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Links — 13 Nov 2019

John Solomon ReportsThe real Ukraine controversy: an activist U.S. embassy and its adherence to the Geneva ConventionRay McGovernQuick, someone help WPost top Russia-gate sleuths connect the dots! RTQuick, someone help WPost top Russia-gate sleuths connect the dots! RT‘NATO will be soiling its pants’: Ukrainian tycoon seen as power behind president calls for ‘new Warsaw Pact’ with Moscow RTPolice accuse Hong Kong ‘rioters’ of turning university into ‘weapons factory’ as academic...

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Bound to Fail: The Rise and Fall of the Liberal International Order — John J. Mearsheimer

AbstractThe liberal international order, erected after the Cold War, was crumbling by 2019. It was flawed from the start and thus destined to fail. The spread of liberal democracy around the globe—essential for building that order—faced strong resistance because of nationalism, which emphasizes self-determination. Some targeted states also resisted U.S. efforts to promote liberal democracy for security-related reasons. Additionally, problems arose because a liberal order calls for states to...

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Col. Patrick Lang — Pope Francis may be removed from office

Col. Lang is a reactionary traditionalist. Pope Francis is a radical liberal. Coincidentally, Steven Bannon, also a reactionary traditionalist, is also highly critical of Francis.However, there is no provision in canon law for removal of a pope for "perceived" heresy, as far as I know.The liberal-traditionalist divide is asserting itself in a highly divisive world in which liberalism, traditionalism, fascism, and socialism are clashing in the historical dialectic, and the outcome is...

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People’s Dispatch — Day 2 of the civic-military coup in Bolivia

Anti-coup protesters have given right-wing leaders such as Fernando Camacho a 48-hour deadline to leave the capital La Paz. The Executive Committee of the United Trade Union Confederation of Bolivia (CSUTCB), declared their complete rejection of the coup and announced that in their mobilization to the capital their aim is to drive the violent right-wing out of the city. They wrote in a document “The CSUTCB instructs the nine departmental federations and the 26 regionals, to close in La Paz,...

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Chile — Repression Reaches Levels Similar to Pinochet Er

After completing an “emergency mission” in Chile, European Parliament Members Miguel Urban and Idoia Villanueva on Wednesday reported that this South American country suffers repression levels similar to those seen in the last three years of the Augusto Pinochet’s dictatorship (1973-1990). Besides preparing a mission report, the leftist MEPs wrote an open letter adressing Federica Mogherini, the European Union (EU) High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. They ask that...

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