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Mike Norman Economics

Tyler Durden – All Products From Israeli Settlements Must Be Labelled: EU Court In Landmark Ruling

In a controversial new landmark ruling that has enraged and frustrated Israeli leaders, Europe's top court has ordered that all goods produced by Israeli settlements in the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights be labeled as such. Specifically the European Court of Justice decision on Tuesday forbids any products from settlements to be labeled simply as "made in Israel"; instead, they must have a “clear and non-misleading indication of origin” in line with the EU's consumer...

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Micheal Jacobs – Capitalism is in crisis. And we cannot get out of it by carrying on as before

Even capitalists agree our economic model is broken. Fundamental change on the scale of 1945 and 1979 is needed now Capitalism is on the rocks. Neoliberalism doesn't work and even many of the capitalists now agree. This is not a view held only on the left of the political spectrum. Read the Economist and the Financial Times, or listen to business leaders in the CBI and the Federation of Small Businesses, and it is apparent that even capitalists think the current model of capitalism is in...

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Bill Mitchell — Japan announces a stimulus as the Right take over Bolivia

The latest South American progressive government to be taken over by right-wing thugs sponsored by the US is Bolivia. This comes just after the ousted President Evo Morales cancelled a 2018 contract with a German company to mine the nation’s lithium deposits. He was reported to have said:Bolivia’s lithium belongs to the Bolivian people … Not to multinational corporate cabals.... Bill Mitchell – billy blogJapan announces a stimulus as the Right take over BoliviaBill Mitchell | Professor in...

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Bolivia Is the Latest Successful US-Backed Coup in Latin America — Alan Macleod

While the Trump administration intimates that this will not be the last, the Bolivia case is merely the latest in a long line of U.S.-backed coups in the region. Historian and former State Department employee William Blum calculated that the U.S. has overthrown over 50 governments since 1945, many of them in the region it considers its “backyard.” For example, in 2009, the U.S. supported a coup against the leftist government of Manuel Zelaya, blocking any regional or international response....

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Alan MacLeod – Corporate Media Refuse to Call the Bolivian Coup by Its Name

The MSM isn't mentioning -In contrast, there was no coverage at all in US corporate media of the detailed new report from the independent Washington-based think tank CEPR, which claimed that the election results were “consistent” with the win totals announced. There was also scant mention of the kidnapping and torture of elected officials, the ransacking of Morales’ house, the burning of public buildings and of the indigenous Wiphala flag, all of which were widely shared on social media and...

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Bolivia Coup Led by Christian Fascist Paramilitary Leader, Multi-Millionaire – with Foreign Support — Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton

Max Blumenthal and Ben Norton are excellent investigative reporter who are familiar with the region. They provide a fairly detailed analysis. Longish. It appears that the Bolivian coup was not only based money and power, but also motivated by racism and fascism, similar to the coup in Ukraine. This will further erode US soft power internationally and especially in the Global South and East, which are non-white. The New Dark Age — William BowlesBolivia Coup Led by Christian Fascist...

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An Excellent, To-The-Point Russian Assessment of the Bolivian Coup — Col. Cassad

The events effectively used the Venezuela blueprint – street protests in major cities by the right-wing, attacks on ruling party activists, denial of legitimacy by the US & Co, pressure on the army to end support for Morales. Using the OAS to delegitimise Morales, he was proposed to leave for Mexico. As a result, what did not work in Venezuela, where all this instrumentation, including the president appointed by Washington, was designed to overthrow Maduro, as a whole worked in Bolivia,...

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