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Mike Norman Economics

Economic Policy Institute – Productivity–Pay Gap

Conservatives are up in arms in the UK at the moment saying we can't afford the Labour Party’s plan to reduce the hourly week, even though from 1979 to 2018 net productivity rose by 69.6%. Most Americans believe that a rising tide should lift all boats—that as the economy expands, everybody should reap the rewards. And for two-and-a-half decades beginning in the late 1940s, this was how our economy worked. Over this period, the pay (wages and benefits) of typical workers rose in tandem with...

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The Birth of Eurasia — Godfree Roberts

Backgrounder. Longish. Maybe weekend reading. But this is what's happening and will be happening over the rest of this century, along with the rise of the Global South. The Global North's preeminence is waning. This doesn't mean decline. Rather, the Global North and West will cease being "exceptional" relative to the rest of the world. This, of course, is a good thing overall.The Unz ReviewThe Birth of Eurasia Godfree Roberts

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Eleanor Sharples – Race and class DON’T matter, say scientists

New research shows healthy babies from any country or background develop at the same speed I put out an article about this before, but this one has some extra details. Babies are born with equal intelligence no matter what their class or race is, research has found. The idea that race or class determines brain power has been dealt a killer blow after a seven-year global study found babies can thrive regardless of their background. All children born to healthy parents in clean...

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The Man Who Knew Too Much (Press Trailer)

This looks good when it comes out. A film about how the intelligence agencies manipulate us.A psychological operations (psyops) operative refuses to engage in dirty tricks and is framed for a murder. The Man Who Knew Too Much is a documentary film about Colin Wallace a former Military Intelligence Officer involved in psychological operations in Northern Ireland. The film explores in depth what psychological operations involved. This was not just spreading propaganda, but also creating...

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A Very British Institution: The UK Military and The Far-Right

We reject the imperialist wars! [embedded content] What are the politics of the British army? Since the Iraq War, the UK military has tried to improve its image by presenting itself as inclusive, diverse and non-political. But accusations of endemic racism and far-right sentiment within its ranks have surfaced, telling a different story. With death threats against left-wing leader Jeremy Corbyn and active recruitment of former soldiers to far-right groups, we investigate how this...

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Is China Actually Stealing American Jobs and Wealth? John L. Graham and Benjamin Leffel

To be sure, China and the United States are not without their troubles. Both countries are showing stubborn growth in their carbon footprints and military spending, to name just two disturbing trends. But the data of the last 25 years portray U.S.-China commerce as the most synergistic bi-lateral relationship in world history, bringing peace along with mutual prosperity. Putting another myth to rest – other than for the zombies – and there are lots of them.Harvard Business ReviewIs China...

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Alex Crawford – Hong Kong: The people forced to live in homes the size of a coffin

In the world's most expensive city, a casket-sized sleeping space costs hundreds of pounds a month - and the bed bugs are free. Landlords illegally exploit the tenants.  A balanced article about the problems in Hong Kong. Poor people are being totally exploited, but the demonstrators don't seem to care about them.I put out a report here a little while back about how the Hong Kong government was proposing to build a home for everyone, just like they do in mainland China, but the...

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